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Managing campaign stores

In your campaign Settings, you can find all the stores linked to your campaign. You can also update how the campaign is evaluated with stores and add or delete stores linked to your campaign.

Listing campaign stores

To list all the stores linked to the campaign, on the left side menu of the campaign, click Settings > Stores.

It displays all the stores linked to the campaign in alphabetical order. You can search for stores by the StoreName and the StoreIntegrationID.


Use the Get store endpoint to obtain the details of a specific store.

If you do not have any stores in your Application, create one with the Create store endpoint.

Updating stores-based campaign evaluation

When creating a campaign, you can choose how your campaign is evaluated with stores:

  • All stores: Your campaign is evaluated for all the stores that are present in the Application.
  • Specific stores: Your campaign is evaluated only for selected stores. Each store is linked to the campaign.

Read evaluating stores-based campaigns to understand how Talon.One evaluates campaigns with stores.

To update the type of stores-based evaluation:

  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit Stores.
  2. Edit the type of stores-based evaluation you want for your campaign and click Edit Stores.

Adding or deleting campaign stores

You can add or delete the stores for which your campaign is evaluated.


Stores can only be added or deleted to campaigns evaluated for specific stores.

  1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit Stores.
  2. From the Add stores dropdown, choose the stores you want to link to your campaign.
  3. To unlink a store from a campaign, remove the store of your choice from the Stores list.
  4. Click Edit Stores.