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Managing additional costs

Create additional costs to add extra costs to the customer's cart or to specific items. For example, shipping costs or transaction fees.

Feature access

Only admins and Application admins have access to this feature.

Additional costs can be applied to the entire customer session or to individual cart items. You can discount them using the following effects:

Listing additional costs

To display the additional costs, click Account > Tools > Additional Costs

The Additional Costs page contains the following information on each of them:

TitleName of the additional cost as it appears in the Rule Builder.
API nameName of the additional costs as it appears in the integration layer.
DescriptionDescription of the additional cost as it appears in the Rule Builder.

Creating an additional cost

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.

  2. Click Tools > Additional Costs.

  3. Click Create Additional Cost at the top-right of the page.

  4. In Scope, select the type of additional cost. It indicates what the additional cost applies to:

    • Cart (Session): Applies to the entire customer session.
    • Item: Applies to each of the eligible items.
    • Both: Can be applied to the entire customer session or to individual items.

    The scope of the cost determines what effects can be applied on the additional cost. For example, you can only apply a discount additional cost per item effect to additional costs set on items (item or both scope). See Setting additional costs.

  5. In API name, type the name of the additional cost that you will use in the integration layer. See the Developer docs.

  6. In Rule Builder name, type the name of the additional cost as it will appear in the Rule Builder.

  7. In Rule Builder description, type a description for the additional cost. It will appear in the Rule Builder.

  8. In Connected Application(s), select the Applications where you want to use the additional cost.


    Admins can leave this blank to make the additional cost available in all Applications.

  9. Click Create Cost.

Editing an additional cost

You can edit an additional cost to modify its Rule Builder name, for example.


Application admins can edit additional costs that are available only in Applications of which they are an admin.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Additional Costs.
  3. Click the name of the additional cost you want to edit.
  4. Edit the required information (Rule Builder name, Rule Builder description, connected Applications).
  5. Edit the required information (type, Rule Builder name, Rule Builder description, connected Applications).
  6. Click Save Cost.

Deleting an additional cost

You can delete any additional cost that is not referenced by a rule in a campaign.


Application admins can delete additional costs that are available only in Applications of which they are an admin.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Additional Costs.
  3. Click the name of the additional cost you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete Additional Cost at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click Delete Additional Cost in the confirmation pop-up that appears.

Setting an additional cost

Additional costs are created in the Campaign Manager but their value is set when you send a request to the Integration API's Update customer session endpoint.

The additional cost property can be on session level or part of a given cart item, depending on its scope.