Understanding Talon.One
Talon.One is the most powerful incentives engine that unifies loyalty, promotions and gamification into one holistic platform.
Set up the necessary conditions to trigger a specific promotion inside Talon.One and simply send the data you want to leverage in your campaigns. Talon.One will tell you what promotions apply for the current situation.
For example, send each shopping cart from your shop system to Talon.One. Talon.One will let you know whether a coupon is valid, a discount should be applied, a free item should be rewarded, loyalty points should be earned, or if the customer's loyalty tier will change.

Platform overview
Start by using our Campaign Manager to create your Applications. Applications are where you send your business data and they typically represent a region where you do business. Read more about Applications.
Each Application contains campaigns. These are your promotional campaigns, based on your own criteria. Each campaign is defined by budgets, start and end dates, attributes, and its own promotion logic. Read more about campaigns.
The logic of your campaign is implemented by rules. They usually have a set of conditions and effects such as check if the coupon code is valid, or generate a referral code. Read more about rules.
Business example
Let's imagine that we work for a company that sells clothes in the United States and in Europe. Our objective for the end of the summer is to sell as many clothes as possible to make room in our stores for the Autumn collection.
To do this with Talon.One, we use the Campaign Manager to create the following setup:
Visually, the setup looks like this:

1. Applications: We create two Applications to represent our two main businesses: the USA and Europe. Each has its own API key, currency and time zone.
We assume we have set up our integration layer to automatically send customer session information to the appropriate Application: the European webshop to the European Application, and the USA webshop to the USA Application.
2. Campaigns: Let's focus on our USA business and its corresponding Application, here's our simplified promotion strategy:
- Campaign type: We want to drive a coupon campaign, and allow customers to use
coupon code to get a discount. - Campaign validity: Let's run it from July 20th to September 1st.
- Budget: We set up the campaign to allow up to a total amount of $200.000 worth of discounts.
We also use Talon.One to generate a universal code
. It can be used by anyone.
Campaigns belong to Applications, so we can set up a different campaign in our European Application, if needed. We can also add extra campaigns.
3. Rules: Now that we have a campaign and a valid coupon code, let's create
the logic of our campaign with a rule. This is where we set what the coupon code does.
Let's apply a 50% discount on the session value when customers redeem the LATESUMMER
Rules are defined by conditions and effects. In our case:
- Condition: coupon code is valid
- Effect: Discount session total by 50%
This is how a basic coupon setup looks like. Talon.One enables you to represent many types of campaigns, see the Campaign example section for ideas.
Next steps
See the Server infrastructure and data retention page to better understand how Talon.One stores data.