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Awarding 1000 points for 3 purchases over $300 each

Before you start, ensure you:
  1. Create your Integration API key.
  2. If you haven't done so already, fork our Sample Campaigns collection in Postman: Run in Postman.
  3. In the Campaign Manager, open the ADVANCED-GAMIFICATION: Spend more than $300 3 times and get 1000 points demo campaign and click Activate Campaign.
  4. Open the Rule Builder to get some context.

Let's create a gamification promotion rule that gives 1000 loyalty points to customers who spend over $300 3 times. Their 3 qualifying spends need not be consecutive.


This tutorial shows how we can use native Talon.One features as workaround to create complex rules. In this case, we'll use a fake loyalty program to count sessions.

Creating the promotion

In the current scenario, let's use 2 rules:

  1. Count Transactions over $300
  2. 3rd transaction over $300

Creating the subledger accessor

Let's create a subledger in our loyalty program to keep track of the number of sessions of a given value each customer makes.

  1. Click Subledger accessor.
  2. Set Loyalty program to Transaction counter and in Subledger type TransactionOver300. This creates a new subledger inside the Ledgers loyalty program.
  3. Save it as TransactionOver300.

Rule 1: Count transactions over $300

Let's add a free item to sessions when they reach $300:

  • Conditions:

    1. Check for default event: Customer Closing session.
    2. Check attribute value: Session Total (Current Session)is greater than 300.
  • Effect: Add loyalty points and select:

    • Loyalty program: Ledgers
    • Subledger name: TransactionOver300
    • Recipient: Current customer (friend)
    • Reason: 1 transaction over $300
    • Amount of points: 1

This use of a subledger allows us to keep track of the number of transactions of 300. It's not related to points in this case. It functions as a counter.

Rule 2: 3rd transaction over $300

This rule detects the third transaction and grants 1000 points.

  • Conditions:

    1. Check for default event: Customer Closing session.
    2. Check attribute value: Session Total (Current Session)is greater than 300.
    3. Check attribute value: Current Balance (TransactionOver300)is equal to 3.
  • Effect: Add loyalty points and select:

    • Loyalty program to Sample Wallet. Note that we do not use the subledger for this.
    • Recipient to Current Customer.
    • Reason to 1000 bonus points.
    • Amount of point to 1000.

When a customer places an order for the third time, they will get 1000 points.

Running the campaign

To run and test the campaign, we need 3 requests to trigger our 2 rules. We send the requests to the Integration API's Update customer session endpoint.

A customer makes 2 purchases of $300 each

Let's send 2 requests for the same customer profile but with different sessions. That cart has a total value of $310 every time. The sessions must be closed.

Sending a session update
"customerSession": {
"profileId": "A_given_customer",
"state": "closed",
"cartItems": [
"name": "ProductL",
"sku": "sku-00003",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 310,
"Category": "",
"weight": 0,
"position": 0,
"attributes": {}
"couponCodes": [""],
"referralCode": "",
"attributes": {

"additionalCosts": {}
"responseContent": []

Sending the last of the 3 sessions

The last session we close for the same customers triggers the point addition.

Sending a session update
"customerSession": {
"profileId": "A_given_customer",
"state": "closed",
"cartItems": [
"name": "ProductL",
"sku": "sku-00003",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 310,
"Category": "",
"weight": 0,
"position": 0,
"attributes": {}
"couponCodes": [""],
"referralCode": "",
"attributes": {

"additionalCosts": {}
"responseContent": []
Key Takeaways
  • Talon.One's core features are flexible and can be used as workarounds to implement advanced logic.