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Discounting items in specific positions

Let's imagine that we want to issue a discount on a specific unit of an item with a given SKU. For example, if our business is an apparel store, we may want to issue a 50% discount on the second unit of a given shirt when customers use a specific coupon.

This campaign can be useful to increase sales of certain items.

To issue discounts on specific items, let's use cart item filters.

In a standard campaign, let's create:

  1. A cart item filter to filter items by SKU.
  2. A cart item filter to filter the units of the cart item with the selected SKU based on their position in the cart.
  3. A rule to issue a discount on the second unit in the list.

Our campaign has the coupons feature enabled.

Filtering the cart items by SKU

Let's filter the customer's cart by SKU of item to find all units of the item whose SKU is 10045.

Filter items by condition:

  • Attribute is SKU of item (Item).
  • Is equal to 10045.
  • Save as SKU1.

To the right of the filter name, notice the type of value assigned to our filter. In this case, it is list of cart items. This means that this filter can be used in any operation, condition, or effect that work with lists.

Filtering the selected cart item units by position

Let's add a Filter Step to our first cart item filter to filter the units of the cart item with the selected SKU by position and find the unit that appears second in the cart.

Filter items by condition:

  • Attribute is Position of cart item in a stack (Item).
  • Is equal to 1.

To the right of the filter name, notice the type of value assigned to the filter: list of cart items.

Issuing a discount on the selected unit

Let's build a rule to issue a 50% discount on the second unit of the cart item with the selected SKU.

Let's name it 50% discount on the 2nd unit. It has 1 condition and 1 effect.


Coupon code is valid.


Discount individual items:

  • List of items is SKU1.
  • Discount name is 50% off per item.
  • Discount value is ([Item.Quantity]*[Item.Price])*50%.