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Available conditions

Talon.One offers the following conditions. Use them to create rules that match your specific use-case.

Achievement conditions


The feature must be enabled in the campaign.

Condition nameDescription
Achievement is completedChecks if the customer has hit the target of the current achievement within the defined period.

Learn more about the achievement entity.

Attribute conditions

Condition nameDescription
Check attribute valueChecks the value of an attribute. For example, the total cart value is greater than $200.
Check if attribute existsChecks if a given custom attribute, such as Artist Id, is set.
Check attribute anniversaryChecks if the anniversary of a time attribute is within a defined period before and after the session.

  • The condition checks the time attribute without taking the year into account. For example, if Birth date (Customer Profile) is 1997-10-07, the condition only checks for October 7th each year.
  • If the value is February 29th in a leap year, the condition checks for March 1st for all non-leap years.


For attributes of type string, the following applies:

  • The matches RegExpr operator allows you to match against a regular expression. The Rule Builder supports regular expressions according to the RE2 specification.
  • The starts with, ends with, and contains operators allow you to match against another string. Note that if you provide an empty string, the condition always passes:
    • foo starts and ends with an empty string.
    • foo contains an empty string at every position.

Audience conditions

Condition nameDescription
Is member of an audienceChecks if the current customer is a member of the selected audience.
Is not member of an audienceChecks if the current customer is not a member of the selected audience.
Has joined an audienceChecks if the current customer has joined the selected audience.
Has left an audienceChecks if the current customer has left the selected audience.

Learn more about audiences in the Integration API docs.

Coupon conditions


The feature must be enabled in the campaign.

Condition nameDescription
Coupon can be createdChecks if the budget still allows coupon creation for the current user.

This condition is to be used in rules without a Create coupon code effect.

Coupon code is validChecks if the coupon code is valid. If it is, the coupon code is automatically redeemed when the rule is triggered.
Coupon code is valid (without redemption)Checks if the coupon code is valid. If it is and the rule is triggered, the coupon code is not redeemed.

Event conditions

Condition nameDescription
Check for event types and custom event valuesChecks the value of a custom event or whether a built-in event exists.

Learn more about the event entity.

Loyalty conditions


The feature must be enabled in the campaign.

Condition nameDescription
Check customer's tierChecks if the customer's tier is the selected tier.
Loyalty card is validChecks if the loyalty card is valid.
Loyalty card is registeredChecks if the loyalty card is registered by a customer.

Group conditions

Condition nameDescription
Create a group of conditionsGroups multiple conditions to create advanced condition logic.

Referral conditions


The feature must be enabled in the campaign.

Condition nameDescription
Referral code is validChecks if the referral code is valid. If it is, the referral code is automatically redeemed when the rule is triggered.
Referral code is valid (without redemption)Checks if the referral code is valid. If it is and the rule is triggered, the referral code is not redeemed.