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Cart item filters

Cart item filters allow you to use the items in your customers' carts in different ways to create more selective rules. Use cart item filters, for example, to count cart items, select specific items, or sort them by size, quantity, price, or any other characteristics relevant to your business.

You need cart item filters to create promotion rules in item campaigns and to create strikethrough rules.

A cart item filter generates one of the following results:

  • A new list.
  • A boolean value.
  • A number calculated from the expression of your choice.
  • A reference to a cart item.

You can use this result in your conditions or effects to create more complex rules. See the available cart item filters.

The following attributes are readily available for any cart item attribute you create:

  • <Filter name> item count
  • <Filter name> total price

To filter cart items by a specific attribute value in multiple campaigns, consider using an Application cart item filter instead.