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Available cart item filters

When you create a cart item filter, the available filters appear sorted by the following categories:

Filter & sort

Filter nameDescriptionResult
Filter items by conditionFilters items by the value of a certain attribute, such as price or name.List
Sort items by attributeSorts items in descending or ascending order.List


Filter nameDescriptionResult
Select the first No. of itemsSelects the first items from a list. You can choose how many items are selected.List
Select one itemSelects one item at the position of your choice in a list.Cart item
Select by attribute valueCreates a list by selecting those items matching a certain attribute.List
Select the biggest numberSelects the biggest number out of a list of numbers.Number
Select the smallest numberSelects the smallest number out of a list of numbers.Number


Filter nameDescriptionResult
Sum up cart items' attributesDefines a mathematical operation to be performed on each cart item and gets the sum of each result.Number
Counts the number of items in the listCounts the number of items in a list.Number
Sum up these numbersSums up the numbers returned by a previous filter step.Number


Filter nameDescriptionResult
Check for empty listsIndicates whether a list is empty.Boolean