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Using loyalty tiers

Loyalty tiers allow you to create tiered loyalty campaigns for customers based on point thresholds they reach.

Customers automatically move to the next tier when they reach the minimum point threshold for that tier. The maximum point value for a tier is one point less than the minimum point value of the next tier. The highest tier has no upper limit on points.


Subledgers inherit all the tiers.

For example, consider the following tiers:

  • Bronze: 100 to 199 points.
  • Silver: 200 to 299 points.
  • Gold: 300 points and above.

A customer is in the Bronze tier if they have at least 100 points but fewer than 200. When they reach 200 points, they automatically enter the Silver tier. When they reach 300 points, they move up to the Gold tier.


To add customers to a default tier with a zero-point balance, we recommend creating a tier with the Point threshold set to 0. If the tiers in the loyalty program expire relative to the tier join date, however, customers must earn at least one active point for the startDate and expiryDate properties to be created for their current tier in the Integration API.

Customers can enter higher tiers as soon as they earn enough points, and can be downgraded to a lower tier immediately or following a schedule. You can choose when and how customers are downgraded when creating a loyalty program or at any time until there are point transactions in the program.

Immediate tier downgrade

With immediate downgrade, each customer is downgraded to a tier that matches their current balance as soon as they don't have enough points to remain in their current tier.

Let's imagine a loyalty program with three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The downgrade type is immediate.

A customer joins the loyalty program on January 1, 2024, and enters the Gold tier with 350 points. On March 10, the customer spends 100 points and is immediately downgraded to the Silver tier.

Immediate tier downgrade

Scheduled tier downgrade

With scheduled downgrade, you can define how long a customer can remain in their current tier before the tier is reevaluated, and you can select the downgrade method.

Expiration type

Tiers in your loyalty program can be reevaluated:

Choosing the right expiration type

Choosing the right expiration type depends on your loyalty program's goals and structure. Expiration relative to the program join date offers predictability, while expiration relative to the tier join date encourages continuous engagement. On the other hand, an absolute expiration date simplifies the tier management process and is great for loyalty programs that align with business cycles or major promotional periods.

Expiration relative to program join date

With this expiration type, each tier is reevaluated relative to when the customer joined the loyalty program. The expiration date remains tied to the customer's program join date, regardless of any changes in the tier level.

Let's imagine a loyalty program with three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Tier expiration is relative to the program join date and resets every six months.

A customer joins the loyalty program on January 1, 2024, entering the Silver tier with 250 points immediately upon joining. Although the customer spends 100 points in April, they are downgraded to the Bronze tier on July 1, six months after their program join date. Later, in September, the customer makes another purchase and immediately is upgraded to the Gold tier with 350 points. Despite this upgrade, the reevaluation of their current tier remains tied to their loyalty program join date, meaning their Gold tier status is reevaluated on January 1, 2025.

Expiration relative to program join date

Expiration relative to tier join date

With this expiration type, each tier is reevaluated relative to when the customer entered the tier. The expiration period starts from the date the customer upgrades to another tier, extending their tier status based on this new start.

Let's imagine a loyalty program with three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Tier expiration is relative to the tier join date and resets every three months, on the last day of the month.

A customer joins the loyalty program on January 1, 2024, and enters the Silver tier with 250 points on February 15. Although the customer spends 100 points in April, they are downgraded to the Bronze tier on May 31 - three months after their tier join date, on the last day of the month. Two months later, on July 31, the customer makes another purchase and immediately moves up to the Gold tier with 350 points. The reevaluation period of the Bronze tier is now discarded, and the customer's Gold tier status is reevaluated on October 31, three months after their latest tier join date.

Expiration relative to tier date

Absolute expiration date

This expiration type sets a fixed tier reevaluation date for all customers within the loyalty program, regardless of when they joined or moved between tiers. The reevaluation date is relative to the tier cycle start date.

Let's imagine a loyalty program with three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Tiers are reevaluated yearly on January 1.

Customer 1 joins the loyalty program in March, 2024 and immediately enters the Gold tier with 350 points. Soon after, they spend nearly all of their loyalty points and earn no points before the end of the year.

Absolute expiration date for Customer 1

Customer 2 also joins the loyalty program in March, but enters the Bronze tier in May. Before the end of the year, they move up to the Gold tier with 350 points.

Absolute expiration date for Customer 2

Both customers remain in the Gold tier until January 1, 2025, when their tier is reevaluated.

Downgrade method

When a customer's tier is reevaluated and they don't have enough points to remain in it, they can be downgraded by one of two ways:

Match current balance

With this downgrade method, the customer enters the tier that matches the number of active points in their point balance after their current tier is reevaluated.

For example, a customer enters the Gold tier with 350 points. They immediately redeem 200 points and now have 150 points left.

Hard downgrade of tier

The Gold tier has a point threshold of 300 points, so the customer is downgraded to the Bronze tier after the Gold tier is reevaluated.

Go down one tier

With this downgrade method, the customer enters the tier below their current tier after the tier is reevaluated and the customer doesn't have enough points to remain in it.

For example, a customer enters the Gold tier with 350 points. They immediately redeem 200 points and now have 150 points left.

Soft downgrade of tiers

The Gold tier has a point threshold of 300 points, so the customer is downgraded to the Silver tier after the Gold tier is reevaluated.