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Profile-based loyalty programs

Profile-based loyalty programs allow your customers to collect and spend loyalty points.

The rewarded loyalty points are linked to customer profiles. Profile-based loyalty programs also have tiers which can help boost customer engagement.


A single profile-based loyalty program can be connected to multiple Applications from the same environment.

Listing loyalty programs

To list your loyalty programs, on the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.

This page displays the available loyalty programs. It contains the following information for each of them:

IDUnique number identifying the loyalty program. It can be used for integration purposes.
ProgramIt displays the loyalty program's name and description, and the Application(s) where it is available.
Point validityIt displays the number of days until a reward expires, as set when you created the loyalty program.
Activation delayIt displays the number of days until a reward can be used, as set when you created the loyalty program.
SubledgersIt indicates whether the subledger feature has been activated in the loyalty program (green) or not (red).
Loyalty cardIt indicates whether the loyalty program is card-based (green) or profile-based (red).

The loyalty dashboard

The loyalty dashboard allows you to measure and obtain a detailed description of the performance of a loyalty program or a specific subledger of a loyalty program. The dashboard data can help you identify trends in the use of your loyalty programs.

To view the Dashboard section of a loyalty program:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
  2. Click the name of the program whose performance you wish to view.

The dashboard data does not include data from the current day.

All statistics are computed every day at 11:59 PM in the loyalty program time zone. You can see the time zone set for your loyalty program in its Settings section.


The top section of the dashboard displays the highlights of the loyalty program including:


These highlights display statistics for the entire loyalty program. If subledgers are present in the loyalty program, they display statistics only for the main ledger.

The remaining sections of the dashboard are:

Subledger and time frame filters

In the Members overview and Points overview sections, you can apply the following filtering options:

  • Filter data by subledger.
    • From the Subledger dropdown, select a subledger name.


      If subledgers are present in the loyalty program, Main Ledger is selected by default.

  • Filter data for a time frame. This allows you to visualize data only for that selected period.
    • Click Custom and set custom start and end dates or select a predefined time frame:

      • Yesterday: The previous day.
      • 7D: The previous 7 days.
      • 30D: The previous 30 days.
      • 3M: The previous 3 months.
      • 6M: The previous 6 months.
      • YTD: Year to date.
      • Max: The maximum time period for which data is available.

      The predefined time frames do not include the current day. For example, if the current date is October 8 and you selected 7D as your preferred time frame, you'll see data for October 1-7, including the first day and the last day.

Members overview


A member of a loyalty program is a customer who has active or pending points in the loyalty program.

The following tabs are available:

  • New per day: Customers who have become members of the loyalty program on a given calendar day.

    It displays the increase or decrease in the number of new members during the selected time frame. For example, if your time frame is Last 7 days, you see the difference in the number of new members between the first and last day of that period.

  • Total members: The total number of members of the loyalty program over time.

    It displays the total number of members in the program and the increase or decrease in the number of members during the selected time frame. For example, if your time frame is Last 7 days, you see the total number of members since the start of the program and the difference in the number of members between the first and last day of that period.

Points overview

It consists of two parts:

  • Cards displaying the following loyalty points balances:

    • Active points: Points awarded to customers and available to spend.
    • Pending points: Points awarded to customers but not available until their start date.
    • Expired points: Points awarded but never redeemed. They cannot be used anymore.

    The cards display the increase or decrease in the number of points whose status is active, pending and expired during the selected time frame. For example, if your time frame is Last 7 days, you see the difference in the number of active, pending and expired points between the first and last day of that period.

  • The number of Earned points and Redeemed points over time. The following tabs are available:

    • Total points: The total number of earned and redeemed points, including points managed manually and by the Rule Builder.
    • By Rule Builder: The number of points managed by the Rule Builder.
    • Manually: The number of points manually added and deducted.

    Each tab displays the increase or decrease in the number of points earned and redeemed during the selected time frame. For example, if your time frame is Last 7 days, you see the difference in the number of earned and redeemed points between the first and last day of that period.