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Managing profile-based loyalty programs

You can manage the data of each profile-based loyalty program directly from the program dashboard.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.

Importing loyalty points

Import loyalty points from a marketing or BI tool into Talon.One. When you import points, they are added to potential existing points for the given customer profile.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.

  2. Click the name of the program where you want to import points.

  3. In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Import Loyalty Points.

  4. In the pop-up that appears, click Upload a CSV File to select a CSV file of loyalty points from your computer.

    • To see the required structure of the CSV file, click Download a sample file.
    • To learn more about the required structure of the CSV file, see the API docs.
  5. Click Import Loyalty Points.

Importing customers into loyalty tiers

After creating a profile-based loyalty program, you can import customers into the tiers. The behavior of the import is as follows:

  • If the customer isn't already in a tier, they are assigned to the tier specified in the CSV file during the import.
  • If the customer is already in a tier, but the tier doesn't match the one in the CSV file, they are assigned to a new tier that matches the information in the CSV file.
  • If the customer is already in the tier that is specified in the CSV file, only the expiration date is updated.

To import the customers:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.

  2. Click the name of the loyalty program that contains the tiers you want to populate.

  3. In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Import Customers into Tiers.

  4. In the pop-up that appears, click Upload a CSV File to select a CSV file of loyalty tiers from your computer.

    • To see the required structure of the CSV file, click download a sample file.
    • To learn more about the required structure of the CSV file, see the API docs.
  5. Click Import Customers into Tiers.

Exporting the transaction logs

Obtain a CSV file with all loyalty point transactions made by a given customer. You can import this data into other BI tools to analyze the performance of the program and the customer behavior.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.

  2. Click the name of the program whose transaction logs you want to export.

  3. In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Export Transactions Logs.

  4. In Transaction logs after, set the initial date.

  5. (Optional) In Transaction logs before, set the end date. The default end date is the current date.

  6. In Date format, select the date format of your choice.

  7. In Customer integration ID, type the ID of the customer.

  8. Click Export Data.


    The time in exported transaction logs is in UTC.


You can also export the transaction logs for a given customer from their specific customer profile.

Exporting the loyalty balances

Obtain a CSV file containing the point balances of all users of a loyalty program for a given date and time. Use it to get the number of active, pending, expired, and spent points for each customer.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
  2. Click the name of the program whose balance you want to export.
  3. In the top-right corner of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Export Loyalty Balance.
  4. In Date and time, select the date and time for which you want to export the loyalty balance.
  5. Click Export Loyalty Balance.

In the exported file, all timestamp values follow UTC+00:00.

Exporting loyalty tier data

Obtain a CSV file containing the user profiles belonging to specific tiers.

Feature access

Only users with permissions to manage a loyalty program can export its loyalty tier data.

  1. On the left-most menu, click Loyalty.
  2. Click the name of the program whose tier data you want to export.
  3. At the top right of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Export Loyalty Tiers.
  4. In Tier name, select the tier whose data you want to export.
  5. In Subledger name, select the subledger of your choice.

    If the loyalty program has no subledgers, the Main ledger is selected by default.

  6. Click Export Loyalty Tiers.

If you do not select any Tier name or Subledger name, the CSV file will contain data from all the tiers and subledgers that exist in the loyalty program.

Exporting the dashboard data

Obtain a CSV file with program member data, program point data, or all the dashboard data. You can export the dashboard data for the entire loyalty program, the main ledger, or for a specific subledger.


A member is a customer with active or pending points in the loyalty program.

To export the dashboard data:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.

  2. Click the name of the program whose transaction log you want to export.

  3. To export the dashboard data for:

    • The entire loyalty program:

      In the top right corner of the dashboard, click Manage Loyalty Data > Export Dashboard Data.

    • A specific subledger:

      1. From the Subledger dropdown, select a subledger name.
      2. To the right of the time frame filters, click Export.
  4. Click Custom and set custom start and end dates or select a predefined time frame:

    • Yesterday: The previous day.
    • 7D: The previous 7 days.
    • 30D: The previous 30 days.
    • 3M: The previous 3 months.
    • 6M: The previous 6 months.
    • YTD: Year to date.
    • Max: The maximum time period for which data is available.

    The predefined time frames do not include the current day. For example, if the current date is October 8 and you selected 7D as your preferred time frame, you'll see data for October 1-7, including the first day and the last day.

  5. Choose what data you want to export:

    • Program members overview, including all new members per day and the total number of members.
    • Points total overview for all active points, pending points, and expired points.
    • Earned and redeemed points, including those managed manually and by the Rule Builder.
    • All the options above.

    If you are exporting data from Members Overview, Program members overview is selected by default. If you are exporting data from Points Overview, Points total overview and Earned and redeemed points are the default selection.

  6. Click Export Dashboard Data.

Obtaining the loyalty transactions of a customer

Programmatically get information about the loyalty point transactions of an individual user and, for example, provide this data to your customers. To do so, use the Get loyalty ledger profile transaction logs endpoint.

You can filter transactions by date and select how many you want to obtain. If you don't apply filters, you obtain the last 50 loyalty transactions for the given integration ID.

Obtaining the loyalty balances of a customer

Programmatically get information about the loyalty point balances of an individual user. You can provide this data to your customers so they are aware of how many points they can use, or how many points they have already spent.

Use the Get loyalty ledger balances endpoint to obtain the following loyalty point balances:

  • Active points
  • Pending points
  • Spent points
  • Expired points

You can filter balances by date, and obtain loyalty point balances for past dates too. If you don't apply filters, you obtain all point balances on the current date for the given integration ID.


When a customer uses their loyalty points, the oldest active points that are about to expire are redeemed first.

Manually adding loyalty points

To manually add loyalty points to your customer's wallet:

  1. On the left-side menu of your Application, click Customers.
  2. Select the Customer Integration ID of your choice and click the Loyalty Points tab.
  3. In Loyalty program, select the program to which you want to add points.
  4. In Ledger, select the ledger to which you want to add points.
  5. Click > Add Points.
  6. In Points, enter the number of points to add to the customer's wallet.
  7. In Reason, enter the reason for adding the points.
  8. In Reward start, select when the points become active.
    • With Program default, the points become active based on the date set in the loyalty program.

    • With Immediate, the points become active immediately.

    • In Custom, you can choose Relative start or Absolute start.

      Examples: Relative reward start

      For all the examples mentioned in this table, we assume that the customer session closes on 12 October 2024, 07:20:50.

      Relative reward start datePoints become active on

      10 minute(s) after the session

      12 October 2024, 07:30:50

      1 hour(s) after the session

      12 October 2024, 08:20:50

      5 day(s) after the session

      17 October 2023, 07:20:50

      5 day(s) after the session, start of the day

      17 October 2024, 00:00:00

      5 day(s) after the session, end of the day

      17 October 2024, 23:59:59

      1 week(s) after the session

      19 October 2024, 07:20:50

      1 week(s) after the session, on the last Sunday

      20 October 2024, 23:59:59

      1 month(s) after the session

      12 November 2024, 07:20:50

      1 month(s) after the session, on the last day of the month

      30 November 2024, 23:59:59

  9. In Reward expiration, select when the ponts expire.
    • With Program default, the points expire based on the date set in the loyalty program.

    • With Unlimited, the points stay active for an unlimited period of time.

    • In Custom, you can choose Relative expiration or Absolute expiration.

      Examples: Relative reward expiration

      For all the examples mentioned in this table, we assume:

      • The customer session closes on 12 October 2024, 07:20:50.
      • The rewarded loyalty points are active immediately.
      Reward expirationPoints expire on

      10 minute(s) after the session

      12 October 2024, 07:30:50

      1 hour(s) after the session

      12 October 2024, 08:20:50

      5 day(s) after the session

      17 October 2023, 07:20:50

      5 day(s) after the session, start of the day

      17 October 2024, 00:00:00

      5 day(s) after the session, end of the day

      17 October 2024, 23:59:59

      1 week(s) after the session

      19 October 2024, 07:20:50

      1 week(s) after the session, on the last Sunday

      20 October 2024, 23:59:59

      1 month(s) after the session

      12 November 2024, 07:20:50

      1 month(s) after the session, on the last day of the month

      30 November 2024, 23:59:59

  10. Click Add Points.

Manually deducting loyalty points

To manually deduct loyalty points from your customer's wallet:

  1. On the left-side menu of your Application, click Customers.
  2. Select the Customer Integration ID of your choice and click the Loyalty Points tab.
  3. In Loyalty program, select the program from which you want to deduct points.
  4. In Ledger, select the ledger from which you want to deduct points.
  5. Click > Deduct Points.
  6. In Points, enter the number of points to deduct from the customer's wallet.
  7. In Reason, enter the reason for deducting the points.
  8. Click Deduct Points.