Managing loyalty programs
You can edit a loyalty program at any time. For example, you can modify its name or description.
Time zone, Subledgers, and Environment settings cannot be changed after you create a loyalty program.
Editing a loyalty program
On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
Click the name of the program you want to edit.
On the left-side menu, click Settings.
In Basic Info, edit Loyalty program name and Description.
noteAPI name cannot be changed after you create a loyalty program.
For profile-based loyalty programs, in Join policy, change the policy that defines when customers join the loyalty program. Select one of the following policies:
- Points earned: Customers join the loyalty program when they earn points for the first time.
- Points activated: Customers join the loyalty program when their points become active for the first time.
noteYou cannot change the selected policy if there are point transactions in the loyalty program.
In Reward Schedule, edit when rewards become active and when they expire.
- In Reward start date, specify when rewards become active: immediately or on a relative date.
- In Reward expiration, specify if your rewards have an unlimited validity or they expire on a relative date.
For profile-based loyalty programs, in Return policy, choose how loyalty points are rolled back for partially returned, cancelled, and reopened customer sessions. By default, only pending loyalty points can be rolled back.
- To allow deducting active points when there aren't enough pending points in the customer's loyalty balance, select the Allow deducting active points checkbox. The active customer balance cannot be negative.
For profile-based loyalty programs:
- In Tier definitions: You can create, edit, and delete tiers if you didn't create tiers during the program's creation phase, as long as the loyalty program doesn't have transactions.
- Tier expiration: Define when to reevaluate the tier your customer is in.
- In Downgrade type: Choose the type of customer downgrade you require.
For card-based loyalty programs, edit how many customers can be linked to a card. It applies to new cards and those already in the program.
In Connected Applications, add or remove Applications from the loyalty program.
noteRemoving an Application from the list of connected Applications is only possible if it does not contain a campaign with rules referencing this loyalty program.
Deleting a loyalty program
You can delete loyalty programs from your account when they are not used in any Application.
After you delete a loyalty program, your customers cannot use the loyalty points they obtained through it anymore. Subledgers and point transactions are also deleted.
- On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
- Click the name of the program you want to delete.
- On the left-side menu of the program, click Delete > Delete Program.
- Click Delete Program on the pop-up confirmation window that appears.