Managing loyalty programs
You can edit a loyalty program at any time. For example, you can modify its name or description.
Time zone, Subledgers, and Environment settings cannot be changed after you create a loyalty program.
Editing a loyalty program
- On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
- Click the name of the program you want to edit.
- On the left-side menu, click Settings.
- In Basic Info, edit Loyalty program name and Description.
API name cannot be changed after you create a loyalty program.
- For profile-based loyalty programs,
in Join policy, change the policy that defines when customers join the
loyalty program. Select one of the following policies:
- Points earned: Customers join the loyalty program when they earn points for the first time.
- Points activated: Customers join the loyalty program when their points become active for the first time.
noteYou cannot change the selected policy if there are point transactions in the loyalty program.
- In Reward Schedule, edit when rewards become active and when they expire.
- In Reward start date, specify when rewards become active: immediately or on a relative date.
- In Reward expiration, specify if your rewards have an unlimited validity or they expire on a relative date.
- For profile-based loyalty programs:
- In Tier definitions: You can create, edit, and delete tiers if you didn't create tiers during the program's creation phase, as long as the loyalty program doesn't have transactions.
- Tier expiration: Define when to reevaluate the tier your customer is in.
- In Downgrade type: Choose the type of customer downgrade you require.
- For card-based loyalty programs, edit how many customers can be linked to a card. It applies to new cards and those already in the program.
- In Connected Applications, add or remove Applications from the loyalty program.
Removing an Application from the list of connected Applications is only possible if it does not contain a campaign with rules referencing this loyalty program.
Deleting a loyalty program
You can delete loyalty programs from your account when they are not used in any Application.
After you delete a loyalty program, your customers cannot use the loyalty points they obtained through it anymore. Subledgers and point transactions are also deleted.
- On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
- Click the name of the program you want to delete.
- On the left-side menu of the program, click Delete > Delete Program.
- Click Delete Program on the pop-up confirmation window that appears.