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Loyalty notifications

Loyalty notifications allow you to be informed of the status of the loyalty points and tiers of your loyalty program. Requests from the notifications you create are sent as webhooks.

To learn about Application notifications, see Application notifications.

Notification types

A notification type represents a qualifying loyalty program-related event for which you can create a notification and receive requests, for example, loyalty points that are expiring soon.

You can create and manage notifications of the following types:

Added/deducted points Real-time

Be notified of changes to the points balance of your loyalty programs in real time, whether they happen through the Campaign Manager, Management API, or the Rule Engine. However, this does not include imported loyalty points.

You can create only one notification of this type in profile-based and card-based loyalty programs. Requests are sent immediately after a qualifying event occurs.

Pending points Scheduled

Be notified of pending points in your loyalty program that are becoming active.

You can create one or more notifications of this type in profile-based loyalty programs. Requests are not sent for deleted customers.

Expiring points Scheduled

Be notified of expiring loyalty points through scheduled triggers. You can add up to three scheduled request triggers, each with a different alert time before points expiration.

You can create only one notification of this type in profile-based and card-based loyalty programs.

Tier upgrade Real-time

Be notified of upgrades to loyalty tiers in real time for loyalty programs where the loyalty tiers are defined.

You can create one or more notifications of this type in profile-based loyalty programs with scheduled tier downgrade. Requests are sent every 10 minutes.

Tier downgrade Real-time

Be notified of downgrades to loyalty tiers in real time for loyalty programs where the loyalty tiers are defined.

You can create only one notification of this type in profile-based loyalty programs with scheduled tier downgrade or without an absolute tier expiration date. Requests are sent every 10 minutes.

Upcoming tier downgrade Scheduled

Be notified of upcoming downgrades to loyalty tiers. You can add up to three scheduled request triggers, each at a different alert time before the downgrade date.

You can create only one notification of this type in profile-based loyalty programs with scheduled tier downgrade or without an absolute tier expiration date. Requests are sent every 10 minutes.

See Notification Schemas

Batching and delivery

For notifications where batching is possible, the data for up to 1000 qualifying events is batched into a single request by default to optimize the use of hardware resources.

All notification types have a response timeout of 10 seconds. Requests that time out are logged with no response code.

Retry policy

When an update cannot be sent because of server errors (5xx response codes) or 429 Too Many Requests, resend attempts are made for a maximum of 10 minutes with more time passing between each attempt.