Creating loyalty cards
Create a batch of loyalty cards to allow your customers to collect and spend loyalty points on them.
You can also add loyalty cards to a loyalty program by importing them.
You can create batches of up to 20,000 loyalty cards directly in the Campaign Manager or using the Create loyalty cards endpoint. Before you start, ensure that you have created a card-based loyalty program.
To create a batch of loyalty cards in the Campaign Manager:
- On the leftmost menu, click Loyalty.
- Click the name of the card-based loyalty program where you want to create the loyalty cards.
- At the top-right of the page, click Create Loyalty Cards.
- In Number of cards, specify how many loyalty cards you want to create.
- (Optional) In Card code format, set the format for the loyalty card codes in this
batch. Any changes you make apply only to the current batch.
- In Code length, choose the length of your codes.
- In Character set, choose if you want your codes to contain only letters, numbers, or both.
- (Optional) In Disallowed characters, enter any characters you do not want to appear in your codes.
- (Optional) In Prefix, set a prefix for your codes.
- (Optional) In Suffix, set a suffix for your codes.
- (Optional) In Segmentation, define how you want to separate longer card codes:
- Select the Code checkbox to split the generated codes using a segmentation character.
- Select the Prefix and suffix checkbox to separate the prefix and suffix from the generated code using a segmentation character.
- If you opted to separate longer card codes, in Segmentation character, select your
preferred character:
- Hyphen: -
- Underscore: _
- Click Create Loyalty Cards.
A confirmation containing a unique batch ID appears. You can use the batch ID to identify the loyalty cards you just created to, for example, export them as a CSV file.