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Managing giveaways

You can import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool, export them as a CSV file, and edit or delete your giveaway pools.

Importing giveaway codes

You can import codes into a giveaway pool at any time:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Giveaways.

  2. Click the name of the pool where you want to import the giveaway codes.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Manage Giveaway Codes > Import Giveaway Codes.


    You can import the same code multiple times. Duplicate codes are treated and distributed to customers as unique codes.

  4. Click Upload a CSV file.

  5. Click Import Giveaway Codes.

Importing coupons with custom attributes


Before you begin, we recommend you:

To import coupons with custom attributes:

  1. In your CSV file, add a column called attributes.

  2. Insert a JSON object listing the key-value pairs in the attributes column.

    The pattern is: {"api_name_1": my_integer_value, "api_name_2": "my_string_value", ...}.


    If you use a text editor to edit your CSV file, you may encounter Import Error: Read CSV error parse error on line 2 when you upload the file. To solve it, duplicate all double-quotes.

    The pattern is: "{""api_name_1"": my_integer_value, ""api_name_2"": ""my_string_value"", ...}".

The format of the attribute value depends on the attribute type, as shown in the following table:

Attribute typeAttribute value format
Booleantrue or false
List of strings["value1", "value2", "value3"]
List of numbers[1, 2, 3]
List of dates["2022-02-15T00:00:00+02:00", "2022-10-15T00:00:00+02:00", "2022-03-16T00:00:00+02:00"]
List of locations["{\"name\":\"geofence_name1\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data1\"}", "{\"name\":\"geofence_name2\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data2\"}", "{\"name\":\"geofence_name3\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data3\"}"]

Imagine we want to import a coupon that has 2 custom attributes:

  • A string attribute called type.
  • A boolean attribute called added_customer_benefits.

The content of the attributes column in our CSV file must be: {"type": "special", "added_customer_benefits": true}.

Displaying giveaway codes

To display the codes in a giveaway pool:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Giveaways.
  2. Click the name of the giveaway pool whose codes you want to view.

This page displays all the codes in the pool. It contains the following information for each of them:

CodeName/value of the giveaway code.
AwardedIndicates whether the code was awarded (green check box) or not (red check box).
Customer integration IDID of the customer who was awarded the giveaway code, if the giveaway was awarded.
CreatedDate and time when the code was created.
Awardable fromDate and time from which the code can be awarded. Whether the code remains usable or not is determined by the provider of the code.
Awardable untilDate and time from which the code cannot be awarded anymore. Whether the code remains usable or not is determined by the provider of the code.

Custom attributes created for giveaways, along with any values added when importing the code.

Learn more about this in our Developer docs.

Exporting giveaway codes

You can export the codes of a giveaway pool at any time:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Giveaways.

  2. Click the name of the pool whose giveaway codes you want to export.

  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Manage Giveaway Codes > Export Giveaway Codes.

  4. Select a time period to filter the giveaway codes by their creation date.


    Select Max to export all the giveaway codes in your pool.

  5. Click Export Giveaway Codes.


The giveaway codes are exported as a CSV file. For details, see the Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool endpoint.

Editing a giveaway pool

You can modify some characteristics of a giveaway pool after it was created. For example, you can make it available in different Applications.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Giveaways.
  2. Click the name of the pool you want to edit.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit Giveaway Pool.
  4. Edit the details or download a copy of your giveaway pool, or upload a new CSV file with more codes.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting a giveaway pool

You can delete a giveaway pool if it's not referenced by the rules of any campaign.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.
  1. On the leftmost menu, click Giveaways.
  2. Click the name of the pool you want to delete.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit Giveaway Pool > Delete Giveaway Pool.
  4. In the pop-up that appears, click Delete Giveaway Pool.