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Campaign templates

You can create templates from existing campaigns and use them as a starting point for creating new campaigns in any Application. This simplifies the campaign creation process and increases error control by including predefined rules and restricting the values that can be modified.

Template states

A template can be in one of the following states:

  • Draft: The template cannot be used. Its rules or values for mandatory attributes are not yet defined.
  • Enabled: The template can be used to create campaigns.
  • Disabled: The template cannot be used. Campaigns already created from the template are unaffected.

It is not possible to create templates from:

  • Referral campaigns
  • Campaigns without any rules
  • Templated campaigns

Listing templates

To list the available templates, on the leftmost menu, click Templates.

This page displays the available templates. It contains the following information:

TemplateName and state of the template.
IDUnique number identifying the template. It can be used for integration purposes.
CreatedDate and time when the template was created.
Created byUser who created the template.
PlaceholdersNumber of placeholders defined in the template.
BudgetsNumber of budget limits defined in the template.
AttributesNumber of mandatory attributes defined in the template.
CampaignsNumber of campaigns created from the template.
CopyCreate a copy of the template.

Template overview

To view the details of a template:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Templates.
  2. Click the name of the template you want to display.

This page contains the following information:

  • Name and state of the template.
  • Basic info: A description of the template.
  • Features: The campaign features enabled in the template. Each template inherits the features of the campaign from which it was created.
  • Created: Date and time when the template was created.
  • Last updated: Date and time when the template was last updated.
  • Rules: A list of rules defined in the template.

The page also displays a table with the following information for each campaign created from the template:

CampaignName of the campaign.
IDA unique identifier of the campaign.
CreatedDate and time when the campaign was created.
Created byUser who created the campaign.