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Managing campaign stores

In your campaign Settings, you can find all the stores linked to your campaign. You can also update how the campaign is evaluated with stores or link more stores to your campaign.

Listing stores

To list all the stores linked to the campaign, on the left-side menu of the campaign, click Settings > Stores.

It displays all the stores linked to the campaign in alphabetical order. You can search for stores by their Store name and Store integration ID.


Use the Get store endpoint to obtain the details of a specific store.

If you don't have any stores in your Application, create one using the Create store endpoint.

Editing the stores linked to a campaign

To edit the list of stores linked to a campaign:

  1. On the left-side menu of your campaign, click Settings > Stores.
  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Edit Stores.
  3. Select either:
    • All stores: Your campaign is evaluated for all the stores that are present in the Application.
    • Specific stores: Your campaign is evaluated only for stores you select. Each store is linked to the campaign.
  4. For Specific stores, you can link stores to your campaign in either of two ways:
    • From the Store name dropdown, select the stores you want to link to your campaign. You can link up to 50 stores.
    • Alternatively, to link more than 50 stores, you can upload a CSV file containing a list of stores.
  5. To disconnect a store from a campaign, deselect the store in the dropdown.
  6. Click Save.