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A campaign is the entity that allows you to set up your promotions in Talon.One.

Every campaign has the following important characteristics:

In any given Application, you can create one or more campaigns, each containing at least one rule. We recommend building not more than 3 rules per campaign for optimal performance.

Campaign use cases

Typically, you should create campaigns for the following use cases:

  • Easier management of campaign strategies. For example, you can create different campaigns for different departments to manage.
  • Scheduling campaign on different dates. For example, creating a Black Friday campaign.
  • Better budget allocation management, assigning different budgets to campaigns.
  • Possibility to evaluate campaigns.
  • Using different features in your rules (coupons, referrals, loyalty programs and giveaways).

Your contract can determine the maximum number of active campaigns that you can create in your live Applications. You can find this information in the Campaign Manager, in Account > Usage & Limits.

Campaign states

A campaign can be in one of the following states:

  • Draft
    : Campaigns that do not have any valid rules. They cannot be activated.
  • Disabled
    : Campaigns whose rules are valid. They can be activated.
  • Scheduled
    : Campaigns that are activated and have a future start time.
  • Expired
    : Campaigns whose end time passed and are therefore no longer running.
  • Running
    : Campaigns that are activated and are currently running.

The campaign dashboard

In Apps > Campaigns, click a campaign name to view its dashboard. It provides you with an overview of the campaign. It contains the following sections:



This section displays:

  • Campaign description.
  • Campaign creation date and the user who created the campaign.
  • Last updated time and the user who updated the campaign.


This section indicates the current state of the campaign. It also allows you to do the following:

  • Change the state of the campaign.
  • Delete the campaign.
  • Copy the campaign


This section indicates whether the campaign has a schedule

If the campaign has a schedule, it displays the start time and the end time.


This section displays any rules present in the campaign. It also displays:

  • Name of each rule.
  • Number of conditions and effects for each rule. 

Performance and Budgets

This section displays any campaign budgets set for the campaign. 

Each budget contains a bar and a counter representing the campaign budget usage in relation to the defined limit.