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Managing campaigns

After creating a campaign, you can do the following with it:

Activating a campaign

After you create at least one rule in a campaign, the campaign state changes from draft to disabled, and the campaign can be activated. When a campaign is activated, its rules are evaluated when its scheduled period is reached.

To activate a campaign:

  1. In the State section of the campaign dashboard, click Activate Campaign.
  2. In the pop-up that appears, click Activate.

The campaign state changes to running.


Keep in mind that your Talon.One plan might contain a limit of the number of active campaigns. See your plan details.


If you do not have permission to activate a campaign, in the State section of the campaign dashboard, click Request Campaign Activation and select an admin from the list to notify via email.

If your campaign is not activated on time, you can click ... > Resend Activation Request to resend the request or select another admin to notify.

Testing a campaign

You can test your campaigns using a dedicated Application as a test environment Before you start testing, ensure you have:

  • Built rules for the campaign.
  • Activated the campaign.

To test a campaign:

  1. Send Update customer session or Update customer profile requests to your Application with the dry parameter set to true.

    The request is executed, but changes do not persist. Learn more about dry requests.

  2. Check if the returned effects are what you expected.

Learn more about Integration API effects.


When you are satisfied with the results, verify that your budget limits are in place, and launch your campaign.

Disabling a campaign

You can disable any running campaign if you no longer want its rules to be evaluated. You can also disable scheduled and expired campaigns.

To disable a campaign:

  1. In the State section of the campaign dashboard, click Disable Campaign.
  2. In the pop-up that appears, click Disable.

The campaign state changes to disabled.

Disabling multiple campaigns

On the Campaigns page, when you filter for expired campaigns, you can also select and disable up to 50 of them in a single operation.

To disable multiple expired campaigns:

  1. On the Campaigns page, click the Expired filter.
  2. Select one or more filtered campaigns, and click Disable Expired Campaigns.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click Disable Expired Campaigns.

Deleting a campaign

You can delete disabled and archived campaigns at any time.

  • The campaign delete action cannot be undone.
  • When you delete a campaign, any referral and coupon codes created in the campaign are also permanently deleted.
  • After you delete a campaign, your customers can no longer use any coupon or referral codes they obtained through it.

To delete a scheduled, running, or expired campaign, first disable it.

To delete a campaign:

  1. In the State section of the campaign dashboard, click the three-dot icon.
  2. Click Delete Campaign.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click Delete.

Deleting multiple campaigns

On the Campaigns page, when you filter for disabled campaigns, you can also select and delete up to 50 of them in a single operation.

To delete multiple disabled campaigns:

  1. On the Campaigns page, click the Disabled filter.
  2. Select one or more filtered campaigns, and click Delete Disabled Campaigns.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click Delete Disabled Campaigns.

Archiving a campaign

You can archive a campaign if you are not using it but do not want to delete it permanently. The rules of archived campaigns are not evaluated.


Only running and disabled campaigns can be archived.

To archive a campaign:

  1. In the State section of the campaign dashboard, click the three-dot icon.
  2. Click Archive Campaign.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, click Archive.

The campaign state changes to archived.