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Managing coupons and gift cards

After you have created coupons and gift cards in a campaign, from the Coupons page, you can filter, edit, export, and delete them. You can also import new codes directly from a CSV file.

Redeeming a coupon code

Use the coupon code is valid condition in your rules to redeem your codes.

You can then add any required effects. For example, you can create a rule to issue a discount on the session total when a customer uses a valid coupon code in their order. Learn more about it in the coupon tutorial.

If you cancel a session where a code was redeemed, the code can be used again. Learn more in our Developer docs.

Editing an individual coupon code

You can modify some characteristics of a code after it has been created. For example, you can add an expiration date.


You can edit coupon codes with a recipient integration ID directly in the Coupons tab of the customer's profile. To edit a coupon code, in the Edit column of the code, click .

To edit a coupon code in the Coupons page:

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign where the code was created, click Coupons.

  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the code you want to edit.

  3. At the top of the page, click > Edit coupon.

  4. Edit the required information and click Update Coupon to save your changes.


    For security reasons, you cannot edit the code itself.

Editing a coupon code batch

You can modify some characteristics of all the codes from a given batch at the same time. For example, you can add an expiration date.

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign where the batch was created, click Coupons.
  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the coupon code whose batch you want to edit.
  3. At the top of the page, click > Edit batch.
  4. Edit the required information.
  5. Click Update Batch and confirm your action in the pop-up that appears.

Deleting individual coupon codes

You can delete codes to free up space in your database in order to create new codes.

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign where the code was created, click Coupons.

  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the code you want to delete.


    You can select as many codes as you want. To select all the coupons displayed on the same page, select the Code checkbox at the top of the coupons list.

  3. At the top of the page, click > Delete 1 coupon.

  4. In the confirmation window that appears, click Delete Selected Coupons.

Deleting all coupon codes in a campaign

You can use this option to free up all the space in your database at once in order to create new coupons.

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign where you want to delete the codes, click Coupons.
  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Create Coupons button to display the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Delete All Coupons.
  4. In the confirmation window that appears, click Delete All Coupons.

Importing coupon codes

You can use this feature to import coupons and gift cards from any marketing tool in Talon.One.

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign where you want to import your codes, click Coupons.

  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Create Coupons button to display the dropdown menu.

  3. Click Import Coupons.

  4. Click Upload a CSV file to select a CSV file with codes from your computer. Ensure the file does not contain any duplicate records.

  5. Click Import Coupons.


If no limit is set for an imported code, the default is single-use.

Importing codes with custom attributes


Before you begin, we recommend you:

To import codes with custom attributes:

  1. In your CSV file, add a column called attributes.

  2. Insert a JSON object listing the key-value pairs in the attributes column.

    The pattern is: {"api_name_1": my_integer_value, "api_name_2": "my_string_value", ...}.


    If you use a text editor to edit your CSV file, you may encounter Import Error: Read CSV error parse error on line 2 when you upload the file. To solve it, duplicate all double-quotes.

    The pattern is: "{""api_name_1"": my_integer_value, ""api_name_2"": ""my_string_value"", ...}".

The format of the attribute value depends on the attribute type, as shown in the following table:

Attribute typeAttribute value format
Booleantrue or false
List of strings["value1", "value2", "value3"]
List of numbers[1, 2, 3]
List of dates["2022-02-15T00:00:00+02:00", "2022-10-15T00:00:00+02:00", "2022-03-16T00:00:00+02:00"]
List of locations["{\"name\":\"geofence_name1\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data1\"}", "{\"name\":\"geofence_name2\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data2\"}", "{\"name\":\"geofence_name3\",\"format\":\"geojson-base64\",\"object\":\"geofence_data3\"}"]

Imagine we want to import a code that has 2 custom attributes:

  • A string attribute called type.
  • A boolean attribute called added_customer_benefits.

The content of the attributes column in our CSV file must be: {"type": "special", "added_customer_benefits": true}.

Exporting coupon codes

You can use this feature to obtain a CSV file with codes from your campaign. For example, you can use it to import the coupons and gift cards in another marketing tool (like a mailing tool) or print them out and spread them across magazines.

  1. On the left-side menu of the campaign from which you want to export codes, click Coupons.

  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Create Coupons button to display the dropdown menu.

  3. Click Export Coupons.

  4. Use the tabs to choose which codes you want to export:

    • To export all the codes created after a date you select in Created after, click After a Specific Date.
    • To export all the codes from the same batch you specify in Batch ID, click Specific Batch.
    • To export all the codes created after one of your previous exports, click After Recent Export. You can choose the specific export by using the Created after dropdown menu. This option is available only if you have exported codes.

    To filter your coupons in a different way, use your spreadsheet software.

  5. In Export scope, choose whether you want to export all coupon data or only the coupon code values.

  6. In Date format, select the date format of your choice.


    In the exported file, all timestamp values follow UTC+00:00.

  7. Click Export Coupons.