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The Coupons page of your campaign allows you to create, view, and manage all the codes generated for a campaign.

The Coupons menu item is visible on the left-side menu of a campaign if:

Discover coupons

Listing coupon codes and gift cards

To list the coupon codes and gift cards in a campaign:

  1. Open a campaign of your choice.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Coupons.

The page displays all the codes created for the campaign, with the most recently created ones appearing at the top. It contains the following information for each code:

CodeName of the gift card or coupon code, including the custom prefix, suffix, and segmentation elements, if they exist.
RedemptionsNumber of times a code has been successfully redeemed out of the total redemption limit. 
CreatedDate of creation of the code.
Valid fromDate from which the code can be used. It appears empty if no start date was set during the coupon creation process. 
Valid untilExpiration date of the code. It appears empty if no expiration date was set during the coupon creation process.
Customer integration IDThe Customer integration ID associated with the code. This information is only available for personal codes. If the code was not created for a specific customer, this element shows the message No profile
Batch ID

Identifier of the batch the code belongs to. Each code creation process provides you with a unique Batch ID. You can use the Batch ID to:

  • Export a group of codes.
  • Filter for codes created at a specific time.
  • Edit all the coupons in the batch at the same time.

You can click a Batch ID to copy it.

Coupon codes created through the Create coupon code effect do not have an associated Batch ID.

AttributesCoupon attributes defined in your account together with the values added during the coupon creation process. Attributes are used to build custom logic inside your rules and allow you to create advanced coupon campaigns. 

If you do not see any codes, start by creating some.

Editing coupon format

If the coupons feature is enabled, you can edit the default format of the coupon codes generated by the rules of your campaign.

To edit the default format of coupon codes:

  1. Open your desired campaign.
  2. Click Settings > Coupon Codes.
  3. On the Coupon Code Generator page, edit the format as needed.
  4. Click Save Changes.