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Displaying campaign insights

The campaign insights page displays detailed data about the influence of the campaign on coupon redemptions, discount costs, and other related data points with up to daily and hourly granularity.


This section only shows information for campaigns with rules that have been or are active.

Displaying campaign data

To display campaign insights data:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Apps, and select an Application.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Campaigns, and select a campaign.
  3. On the left-side menu of your campaign, click Insights.

The Insights section displays:

  • Coupon Redemptions: Number of coupon successfully redeemed, calculated by counting the number of acceptCoupon effects.

  • Basket Value: Aggregate value of all session totals.

  • Discount Cost: Total discounted amount for the campaign, calculated by summing up the value of all discount effects.

  • Campaign Performance: Graph displaying the following variables over time:

    • Coupons Created
    • Coupon Redemptions
    • Discount Costs
    • Campaign Basket Value
    • Accepted Referrals
    • Created Referrals
    • Loyalty Points Collected
    • Loyalty Points Redeemed
    • Free Items
    • Canceled Discounts (rollback)
    • Canceled Coupon Redemptions (rollback)
    • Campaign Refunded Basket Value (rollback)
  • Basket Value per Redemption: Graph displaying Basket Value per Coupon Redemptions over time.

  • Basket Value vs Cost: Bar chart displaying Basket Value and Discount Costs.

Time frame

The default time frame for metrics is the last 7 days. You can set custom start and end dates at the top of the page and select a granularity level:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly

The availability of the granularity options depends on the selected time frame.

For example, if your selected time frame is two days, Hourly and Daily are available. If your selected time frame is four weeks, Daily and Weekly are available.

Exporting triggered effects

Obtain a CSV file with all effects triggered in the campaign for a certain time range. It allows you to further analyze the performance of the campaign.

  1. Click Insights on the left-side menu of a campaign.
  2. Click Export Triggered Effects at the top-right of the page.
  3. Use the tabs at the top of the page to choose a time frame:
    • Date range: Set custom start and end dates.
    • After Recent Export: Use the drop-down menu to select a previous export.
  4. In Date format, select the date format of your choice.
  5. Click Export Data.

The CSV file contains the following information for each effect:

CreatedDate and time when the session with the triggered effect was created.
NameType of effect in the integration layer. For example, setDiscountPerItem.
Application IDIntegration identifier of the Application.
Campaign IDIntegration identifier of the campaign.
Ruleset IDIntegration identifier of the set of rules that were evaluated. It is set by the integration layer.
Rule indexPosition of the rule with the triggered effect in the set of rules. It is set by the integration layer.
Session integration IDIntegration identifier of the customer session. It is set by the integration layer.
Profile integration IDIntegration identifier of the customer profile. It is set by the integration layer.
Session IDInternal ID of the session in Talon.One.
Profile IDInternal ID of the profile in Talon.One
Event IDInternal ID of the event in Talon.One.
Event typeType of event in the integration layer. For example, talon_session_closed.
Total revenueTotal value of the session, including any additional costs, before applying any discounts.
PropsProperties of the rule. Learn more in our Dev docs.
Coupon IDIntegration identifier of any coupons redeemed in the session. It is set by the integration layer.