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Creating achievements

Create an achievement to check if a customer has reached a defined target within a specified period of time.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.

You can create achievements in Talon.One via the Campaign Manager or via the Management API.


Enable the achievements feature in your campaign to create an achievement.

To create an achievement:

  1. On the left-side menu of your campaign, click Achievements > Create Achievement.

  2. In Achievement name, enter a display name for the achievement.

  3. In API name, enter an API name for the achievement.

  4. (Optional) In Description, enter a description to help you identify the achievement.

  5. In Target, enter the target value the customer must reach to complete the achievement.

  6. In Achievement period, define the period after which the achievement ends and resets for each customer.

    • In Reset every, select how often the achievement should reset.

    • In Reset on, select whether the achievement resets on an absolute date or on a date relative to when a customer starts the achievement.

      Examples: Relative achievement period

      For all the following examples, we assume that the customer started the achievement on 10 October 2023, 09:30:45.

      Reset everyReset onAchievement resets on

      1 day

      Relative time of the day

      11 October 2023, 09:30:45

      1 week

      Relative day of the week

      17 October 2023, 09:30:45

      1 month

      Relative day of the month

      10 November 2023, 09:30:45

      3 months

      Last day of the month

      31 January 2024, 23:59:59

      1 year

      Relative day of the year

      10 October 2024, 09:30:45


    You cannot change the API name, Target, and Achievement period:

    • When the campaign is running.
    • After a customer has made progress in the achievement.
  7. Click Create Achievement.