Applications are the environment where you create and manage your campaigns. Each Application can contain one or more campaigns and API keys to send integration data to Talon.One.
You can use Applications, for example, to group your campaigns by country, time zone, currency, or even by the teams managing your campaigns. You cannot share customer activity or campaigns across different Applications.
Application environments
You can create Applications in one of the following environments:
- Sandbox
- Live
They help you differentiate between testing and production Applications. For example, use a sandbox Application that is connected to a non-production environment on your end for testing your campaigns extensively or trying out campaign ideas. When you're satisfied with the results of your testing, copy your successful campaigns to a live Application that is connected to your production website or app.
With both environments, you can see detailed information about rule failures by including
the ruleFailureReasons
entity in your request to the
Update customer profile and
Update customer session endpoints.
However, for performance reasons, we recommend you use a sandbox Application
for your testing and debugging.
If campaign staging and revisions is enabled, you can test the rules of campaigns directly in the Application you use for production. See Testing a campaign and Revising campaigns.
Customer profiles created in a given environment can only be accessed by Applications from the same environment. For example, customer profiles created in a sandbox environment cannot be accessed from a live Application.
Loyalty programs, audiences and giveaway pools from a given environment can only be connected to Applications from the same environment.