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Managing Application notifications

You can create notifications to be informed about the following events occurring within the Applications of your choice. Depending on the notification type, you can create one or more notifications of each type.

The following notification types are available:

Notification typeEvent that triggers a notification
Campaign-related changes
  • A campaign was:
    • Created
    • Edited, including changes made to:
    • Deleted
  • The state of a campaign changed.
  • One or more rules changed.
  • The evaluation for one or more campaigns changed.
Strikethrough pricing updates
  • A cart item catalog was updated via the Sync cart item catalog endpoint.
  • note

    Updating a cart item catalog triggers notifications only when the catalog is linked to an Application that has an active campaign with strikethrough rules.

  • The state of a campaign was changed:
    • Active to disabled.
    • Disabled to active.
    • Scheduled to active.
  • A rule or cart item filter was updated.
  • A campaign expired.
  • A strikethrough notification was:
    • Created
    • Activated
  • Data was imported into a collection.
  • note

    Changes in collections trigger notifications only when the collections are used in active campaigns containing strikethrough rules.

  • A campaign evaluation tree was edited.
  • note

    Editing a campaign evaluation tree at the Application level triggers notifications only if a campaign containing strikethrough rules is a part of the campaign evaluation tree.

  • A campaign evaluation group was changed.
  • note

    Changing the campaign evaluation group in the campaign settings triggers notifications only if the campaign is active and contains strikethrough rules.

  • The value of a custom attribute with associated entity Application or campaign was edited.
  • note

    Editing a custom attribute triggers a notification only when the attribute is used in:

    • A strikethrough rule of an active campaign.
    • A cart item filter in an active campaign.
    • The payload of a per-item custom effect that is referenced in a strikethrough rule of an active campaign.

  • The payload of a per-item custom effect was edited.
  • The API name of a per-item custom effect was changed.
  • note

    Editing a per-item custom effect triggers a notification only when the effect is referenced in a strikethrough rule of an active campaign.

  • The name, currency, or time zone setting of an Application was changed.
  • note

    Changing the name, currency, or time zone setting of an Application in the Application settings triggers a strikethrough notification only if it is referenced in a strikethrough rule of an active campaign.

Coupon-related changes
  • A coupon was:
    • Created
    • Edited
    • Deleted
  • With Real-time notifications, it can take up to 5 minutes to send updates after a qualifying event occurs.
  • To learn about the loyalty-specific notification types, see Managing loyalty notifications.
  • Campaign-related changes:
    • Two requests are sent for the same notification: One for campaign evaluation tree changes, which occur at the Application level, and another for all other campaign-related events.
    • You cannot select which notifications to receive. Notifications are sent for all events and for all campaigns within an Application.
Retry policy

When an update cannot be sent because of server errors (5xx status codes), resend attempts are made for a maximum of 5 hours with more time passing between each attempt.

See Notification Schemas

Creating a campaign notification

Create campaign notifications to receive updates about campaign-related changes.

To create a campaign notification:

  1. Select the Application for which you want to set up campaign notifications.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Click Create Notification > Campaign-related changes.
  4. In Notification name, type a name for the notification.
  5. In URL, type the URL where you want to receive notifications.

    To add another destination URL, create another notification.

  6. In Header, type a full HTTP header. For example: Content-Type: application/json.
  7. (Optional) Click Add header for each additional header value required by the receiving party, and enter the corresponding headers.
  8. Review the schemas of the notifications you will receive.
  9. (Optional) To validate the URL and headers you entered by sending a test request, click Test Notification.
  10. Click Create Notification.

Creating a strikethrough pricing notification

Create strikethrough pricing notifications to receive updates about strikethrough pricing. When you create a strikethrough pricing notification, it is automatically activated.


Before you create a strikethrough pricing notification:


You can create only one notification of this type.

To create a strikethrough notification:

  1. Select the Application for which you want to set up strikethrough pricing notifications.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Click Create Notification > Strikethrough pricing updates.
  4. In Notification name, type a name for the notification.
  5. In URL, type the destination URL.
  6. In Header, type a full HTTP header. For example: Content-Type: application/json.
  7. (Optional) Click Add header for each additional header value required by the destination URL, and enter the corresponding headers.
  8. Review the request payload.
  9. (Optional) To validate the URL and headers you entered by sending a test request, click Test Notification.
  10. Click Create Notification.

Creating a coupon notification

Create coupon notifications to receive updates about coupon-related changes. When you create a coupon notification, it is automatically activated.


You can create only one notification of this type.

To create a coupon notification:

  1. Select the Application where you want to set up a coupon notification.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Click Create Notification > Coupon-related changes.
  4. In Notification name, type a name for the notification.
  5. In the Notification sources section, specify which sources should trigger a notification:
  6. In the Request section, specify the details of the webhook request:
    • Verb indicates the HTTP request method: POST.
    • In URL, type the URL where you want to receive the notification.
    • In Header, type a custom header that describes the request.
      • (Optional) Click Add header for each additional header value required by the receiving party, and enter the corresponding headers.
  7. Review the schemas of the notifications you will receive.
  8. (Optional) To validate the URL and headers you entered by sending a test request, click Test Notification.
  9. Click Create Notification.

Deactivating a notification

To stop receiving updates from a notification, you can deactivate it. You can reactivate the notification at a later time.


Campaign notifications are active by default and cannot be deactivated. To stop receiving updates from a campaign notification, consider deleting it.

To deactivate a notification:

  1. On the left-side menu of the Application, click Notifications.
  2. To the right of the notification, toggle Active.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Deactivate Notification.

To reactivate a notification, follow the above steps, and in the confirmation window, click Activate Notification.

Editing a notification

You can edit the details of a notification at any time.

To edit a notification:

  1. Select the Application where you want to edit the notification.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Click the edit symbol for the notification.
  4. Edit the required details, and click Save.

Deleting a notification

You can delete a notification to stop being notified about updates through a given route. To stop receiving updates but retain the notification, consider deactivating the notification instead.

To delete a notification:

  1. Select the Application where you want to delete a notification.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Click next to the notification.
  4. In the confirmation pop-up that appears, click Delete Notification.