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Managing Application notifications

Application notifications allow you to be informed about the changes occurring to your campaigns and coupons. Updates from the notifications you create are sent as webhooks.

To learn about notifications for loyalty programs, see Managing loyalty notifications.

Notification types

A notification type represents a qualifying Application-related event for which you can create a notification and receive updates, for example, coupons that are expiring soon.

You can create and manage notifications of the following types:

Notification typeDescription
Campaign-related changes
Be notified of the following events in real time:
  • A campaign was created, edited, or deleted. Editing includes changes made to mandatory attributes or the Settings section of any campaign.

  • The state of a campaign changed.
  • One or more rules changed.
  • The evaluation for one or more campaigns changed.
  • Updates are sent for all of the above events and for all the campaigns of the Application. You cannot select which updates to receive.
  • Updates are categorized by campaign. For example, if a qualifying event occurs in two campaigns, an update for each of those campaigns is sent.
  • A separate update is sent if the campaign evaluation tree changes.
Strikethrough pricing updates
Be notified of the following events in real time:
  • A cart item catalog was updated via the Sync cart item catalog endpoint, when the catalog is linked to an Application that has a
    campaign with strikethrough rules.
  • A rule or cart item filter was updated.
  • A campaign became
    or its state changed:
    • Running
    • Disabled
    • Scheduled
  • A strikethrough notification was created or activated.
  • Data was imported into a collection, when the collections are used in
    campaigns containing strikethrough rules.
  • A campaign evaluation tree was edited, when a campaign containing strikethrough rules is a part of the campaign evaluation tree.
  • A campaign evaluation group was changed, when the campaign is
    and contains strikethrough rules.
  • The value of a custom attribute with associated entity Application or campaign was edited, when the attribute is used in one of the following places of a
    • A strikethrough rule.
    • A cart item filter.
    • The payload of a per-item custom effect that is referenced in a strikethrough rule.
  • The payload of a per-item custom effect was edited.
  • The API name of a per-item custom effect was changed, when the effect is referenced in a strikethrough rule of a
  • The name, currency, or time zone setting of an Application was changed in the Application settings, when it is referenced in a strikethrough rule of a

You can create only one notification of this type.

Coupon-related changes
Be notified in real time when a coupon is created, edited, or deleted.

You can create only one notification of this type.

Expiring coupons
Be notified through scheduled triggers when a coupon is close to expiration. An update is sent for every expiring coupon whose campaign is

For each notification you create, you can add up to 3 triggers, each with a different alert time before coupon expiration.

You can create only one notification of this type.

  • With Real-time notifications, it can take up to 5 minutes to send updates after a qualifying event occurs.
  • By default, in notifications where batching is possible, multiple updates are batched and sent as a single update to optimize the use of hardware resources:
    • For Campaign-related changes, up to 5 updates per campaign are batched.
    • For all other notification types, up to 1000 updates are batched.
Retry policy

When an update cannot be sent because of server errors (5xx response codes) or 429 Too Many Requests, resend attempts are made for a maximum of 5 hours with more time passing between each attempt.

See Notification Schemas

Creating an Application notification

You can create notifications for each of your Applications. When you create a notification, it is automatically activated.

To create an Application notification:

  1. For Strikethrough pricing updates only: Ensure you have created a strikethrough rule in the Application.

  2. In Apps, select the Application for which you want to create a notification.

  3. On the left-side menu of the Application, click Notifications.

  4. Click Create Notification.

  5. In the Create Notification drawer, select the type of notification to create.

  6. In Notification name, type a name for the notification.

  7. For Coupon-related changes only:

    In the Notification sources section, specify which sources should trigger a notification:

  8. For Expiring coupons only:

    In the Schedule section, specify how long before coupon expiration you want to trigger alerts:

    • Amount: Number of days or weeks.
    • Period: Days or weeks.
    • On the scheduled trigger day, updates are sent at 00:00 hours UTC.
    • To include coupons that expire in the following 24 hours, schedule a trigger for 0 day(s) before expiration.
  9. In the Request section, specify the details of the webhook request:

    • Verb indicates the HTTP request method: POST.
    • In URL, type the URL where you want to receive the notification.
    • (Optional) In Header, type a custom header that describes the request. For example: Content-Type: application/json.
      • (Optional) Click Add header for each additional header value required by the receiving party, and enter the corresponding headers.
  10. In the Payload preview section: If the Batching option is available, choose whether updates should be batched.

  11. (Optional) To validate the URL and headers you entered by sending a test request, click Test Notification.

  12. Click Create Notification.

Deactivating an Application notification

To stop receiving updates from an Application notification, you can deactivate it. You can reactivate the notification at a later time.

To deactivate an Application notification:

  1. On the left-side menu of the Application, click Notifications.
  2. To the right of the notification, toggle Active.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Deactivate Notification.

To reactivate a notification, follow the above steps, and in the confirmation window, click Activate Notification.

Editing an Application notification

You can edit the details of an Application notification at any time.

To edit an Application notification:

  1. Select the Application where you want to edit the notification.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Next to the notification you want to edit, click .
  4. Edit the required details, and click Save.

Deleting an Application notification

You can delete an Application notification to stop being notified about updates through a given route. To stop receiving updates but retain the notification, consider deactivating the notification instead.

To delete an Application notification:

  1. Select the Application where you want to delete a notification.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Notifications.
  3. Next to the notification you want to delete, click .
  4. In the confirmation pop-up that appears, click Delete Notification.