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Managing Integration API keys

The API key contained in an Application allows you to authenticate with the Integration API to send data to and retrieve it from a specific Application.

  • To create an API key to use the Management API, see Managing Management API keys.
  • If the user who created an Integration API key is:
    • Disabled: The key can be used until it expires, and the user's email address is displayed.
    • Deleted: The key can be used until it expires, and the user's email address is no longer displayed.

Integration API key types

Talon.One allows you to create and manage the following types of API keys:

Key typeDescription
ProductionFor use in your integration layer or with a third-party integration for your production Applications.
TestingOnly for testing Staged and Revised campaigns. Available only if campaign staging and revisions is enabled.

Creating a production API key

Depending on the platform you want to integrate with, you can create a generic API key or an API key specific to a third-party platform.

Creating a generic API key

Create a generic API key to use in your integration layer. This is the type of key to use for Integration API requests for the campaigns you manage in a production environment.

To create a generic API key:

  1. In your Application, click Settings > Integration API Keys.

  2. Click Create API Key.

  3. In the Create API Key drawer, select Production as the key type.

  4. In Key name, type a name to identify the key.

  5. In Key expiration date, select a date.

  6. In Third-party integration, select No.

  7. Click Create API Key.

  8. Click to copy the key for use.


    You cannot view or copy the API key after closing the drawer. If you lose it, create another API key.

Creating a third-party API key

Create a third-party API key to use the Integration API from a supported third-party platform, like a customer engagement platform.

To create an API key specific to, for example, Braze:

  1. In your Application, click Settings > Integration API Keys.

  2. Click Create API Key.

  3. In the Create API Key drawer, select Production as the key type.

  4. In Key name, type a name to identify the key.

  5. In Key expiration date, select a date.

  6. In Third-party integration, select Yes.

  7. From Platform, select Braze.

  8. Click Create API Key.

  9. Click to copy the key for use.


    You cannot view or copy the API key after closing the drawer. If you lose it, create another API key.

Creating a testing API key

Create a testing API key to test your Staged and Revised campaigns.


You can create and test using this key type only if campaign staging and revisions is enabled for your Application.

To create a testing API key:

  1. In your Application, click Settings > Integration API Keys.

  2. Click Create API Key.

  3. In the Create API Key drawer, select Testing as the key type.

  4. In Key name, type a name to identify the key.

  5. In Key expiration date, select a date.

  6. Click Create API Key.

  7. Click to copy the key for use.


    You cannot view or copy the API key after closing the drawer. If you lose it, create another API key.

Using an Integration API key

Use a production API key for integration as described in the Authentication section of the Integration API docs.

Use a testing API key with your staging environment. When you send requests to your Staged and Revised campaigns, the testing API key is automatically used for authentication.

Deleting an Integration API key

When you delete an Integration API key, the software that uses that key immediately loses access to the Integration API.


You cannot undo the deletion of an Integration API key.

To delete an Integration API key:

  1. In your Application, click Settings > Integration API Keys.
  2. In the API Keys section, to the right of the key you want to delete, click .
  3. In the confirmation window that appears, type the name of the key and click Delete API Key.