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Displaying customer sessions

Customer sessions contain customer activity within a given Application. For example, a customer session can represent a shopping cart or a completed order for a given customer.

Suggested reading

The state of a session can be one of the following:

  • Open: The session can be modified as many times as needed, depending on your business needs. For example, the session may remain open while the customer adds new items to the cart.
  • Closed: The session cannot be modified anymore, unless it is reopened. For example, if the customer has completed the payment step of the order workflow.
  • Cancelled: The session had an issue or the closed or partially returned states are not valid anymore. For example, if the customer requested a full refund or the payment failed at checkout.
  • Partially returned: The closed state is not valid anymore but the session is not cancelled. For example, if the customer requested a refund for some of the items they purchased in the same session.

Each action of the customer in the session is represented by an event. Every session contains at least one event.

Listing customer sessions

To list the customer sessions of an Application:

  1. Open the Application of your choice.
  2. On the left-side menu, click Sessions.

The page contains the following information:

Session integration IDIdentifier of the customer session. It can be used for integration purposes. It is unique for each Application.
Customer integration IDIdentifier of the customer profile. It can be used for integration purposes. It is the same across all Applications.
Store integration IDIdentifier of the store passed in the customer session. It can be used for integration purposes. It is unique for each store.
StateIndicates whether the session is open, closed, partially returned, or cancelled.
Learn more about customer sessions in the Developer docs.
Returned itemsNumber of returned items.
Items in sessionNumber of items currently in the customer session.
CouponAny coupons redeemed by the customer in the session.
Referral codeAny referral codes used by the customer in the session.
CreatedDate and time when the session was created in the time zone of the Application.
Return itemsAllows you to return one or more cart items purchased by the customer in the session.

Customer session overview

Click a Session integration ID to access all the information for the corresponding customer session.

The session page displays the following information:

  • Session status: Current state of the session.
  • Session integration ID: Integration ID of the customer session.
  • Customer integration ID: Integration ID of the customer. You can access the customer profile by clicking the ID.
  • Store integration ID: Integration ID of the store passed in the session.
  • Created: Date and time when the session was created.
  • Last activity: Date and time when the session was last updated.
  • Total discounts: Total discounted amount for the session.
  • Net total: Revenue produced by the customer in the session after deducting all discounts.
  • Session total: Total value of cart items and additional costs in the session, before discounts are applied.
  • Tabs with additional information related to the customer session:


This tab displays all the events and triggered effects of the selected session:

TimeDate and time when the event happened.
EventThe event type.
EffectsNumber of effects triggered for the event. Click the link to display the details of each effect.

To export all the events for the session as a CSV file, to the right of the search bar, click Export.


This tab displays any customer session attributes set in the Application.

For example, attributes may refer to the shipping city, the operating system of the customer's device, or the payment method.


The tab is available only if you set customer session attributes for the Application.

Cart items

This tab displays all the cart items that were added to the selected session:

SKUUnique stock keeping unit identifier of the cart item.
PriceCost of the cart item.
QuantityNumber of cart item units added to the session.

You can expand each cart item to view more details, such as built-in and custom attributes.


The tab is available only if there are any events involving cart items in the session.

Returning individual cart items

You can manually return one or more cart items from a closed or partially returned session.

This is useful, for example, to allow your customer support agents to return specific items when a customer requests a refund for part of their purchase.


If you return one or more cart items using this feature, the session state changes to partially returned if the original state was closed.

Updating the session state can cause rollback effects to undo potential previous effects triggered when you closed or opened the session. Learn more in our Developer docs.

To return individual cart items:

  1. On the Sessions page, to the right of the session that contains the items to be returned, click .


    In the Returned quantity column, you can see how many units have already been returned for each item.

  2. In the pop-up that appears, select the items you want to return.

  3. (Optional) Use the Quantity dropdown to select the number of units you want to return for each item.

  4. Click Return Selected Items.

The number of returned items automatically appears in the Returned items column of the session and it is subtracted from the Items in session column.

Exporting customer sessions

Export your customer sessions as a CSV file to import this data in other tools, for example, in any BI tool to run reports.

To export customer sessions:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Apps.

  2. Select the Application from which you want to export the sessions and click Campaigns.

  3. In the top-right corner, click Manage Campaign Data > Export Customer Sessions.

  4. Set your desired time frame:

    • In the Date Range tab, set your desired dates.
    • In the After Recent Export tab, select any previous customer session export from the Created after drop-down menu.
  5. In Customer session state, select the state of your choice.

  6. In Date format, select the date format of your choice.


    In the exported file, all timestamp values follow UTC+00:00.

  7. Click Export Data.