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Displaying audit logs

The Audit logs section displays all changes made to the Management API. You can use the logs to check which changes have been made by a specific user or to a specific Application or entity. You can also use them as a reference for older changes and use this information to revert your campaign changes.

Feature access

Only admins and Application admins have access to this feature.

Listing audit logs

To open the audit logs:

  1. In the lower-left corner, click Account > Logs.
  2. Click Audit logs.

The logs are sorted from the newest to the oldest entry. The list shows the following columns:

UserThe name of the user who has made the change.
ApplicationThe Application in which the change was made.
EntityThe entity in which the change was made.
TimeWhen the change was made.
Type of changeWhether the change was an addition, modification, or deletion.