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Managing webhooks

You can use webhooks to share information from your Applications with third parties. Webhooks are always triggered as an effect.

Learn more about webhooks and how to create them in our Developer docs.

Feature access

Only admins and Application admins have access to this feature.

Listing webhooks

To display all the webhooks in your account:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Webhooks.

The Webhooks page contains the following information:

NameName of the webhook.
VerbMethod of the HTTP request: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE or PATCH.
ApplicationsThe Applications in which the webhook is available.
CopyClickable icon that allows you to copy the webhook.

Editing a webhook

You can edit a webhook if it is not referenced in a campaign.

To edit a webhook:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Webhooks.
  3. Click the name of a webhook to open it.
  4. Make the required changes, and click Save.

Copying a webhook

You can copy all the parameters and request details of a webhook to a new webhook. There are no dependencies between the original and the copy.

To copy a webhook:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.

  2. Click Tools > Webhooks.

  3. Next to the webhook you want to copy, click .


    To copy a webhook that you're editing, at the bottom of the page, in the Copy section, click Copy Webhook.

  4. Enter the basic properties of the copy, and click Copy Webhook.

Deleting a webhook

You can delete a webhook if it is not referenced in a campaign.

To delete a webhook:

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Webhooks.
  3. Click the name of a webhook to open it.
  4. At the bottom of the page, in the Delete section, click Delete Webhook.
  5. In the confirmation window, click Delete Webhook.