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Managing custom effects

When the default effects do not match your use case, you can create a custom effect.

Feature access

Only admins and Application admins have access to this feature.

Custom effects have the structure of your choice, and you can use them in your rules like a regular effect or a failure effect. They are also returned in the Integration API. For example, if you run a bike rental company where customers rent by the minute, you can create an effect to award minutes. See the tutorial.

Custom effect versus webhook

Custom effects and webhooks allow you to send data from Talon.One to the platform of your choice.

Before choosing one over the other, consider the following:

  • If you prefer receiving the data in your integration layer and parsing it like any other effect, use a custom effect.
  • If you want the data to be sent to a specific URI, consider using a webhook instead.

Listing custom effects

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Custom Effects.

This page displays the available custom effects. It contains the following information for each of them:

IDUnique number identifying the custom effect. It can be used for integration purposes.
TitleName and description of the custom effect.
ApplicationsNumber of Applications the custom effect is connected to.
ScopeDetermines if the custom effect should be triggered on the whole session or for each item in the session.

Creating a custom effect

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Custom Effects.
  3. Click Create Custom Effect at the top-right of the page.
  4. In Properties, choose:
    • Scope: Select if the effect should be triggered once for the whole session, or for each item in the session.
    • API name: The API name of the custom effect as it will appear in API requests.
    • Rule Builder name: The name of the custom effect as it will appear in the Rule Builder.
    • Custom effect description: A description of what the custom effect does.
    • Applications: Applications where the custom effect will be available.
  5. In Parameters, choose:
    • Param type: The type of parameter (string, number, boolean, time).
    • Param name: The name of the parameter.
    • Param description: A description of the parameter. To limit the fields to certain values, click to create a picklist.
  6. In Effect payload, type the payload to send in the effect.
  7. Click Create.

The custom effect becomes available in the Rule Builder for all the campaigns in the connected Applications.

See the tutorial.

Editing a custom effect

You can modify some characteristics of a custom effect after it has been created. For example, you can make it available in different Applications.


Application admins can edit custom effects that are available only in Applications of which they are an admin.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.

  2. Click Tools > Custom Effects

  3. Click the name of the custom effect you want to edit.

  4. Edit the required details.


    You cannot modify the parameters of a custom effect if you are using it.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a custom effect

You can delete any custom effect that is not referenced by a rule in a campaign.


Application admins can delete custom effects that are available only in Applications of which they are an admin.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Collections.
  3. Click the name of the custom effect you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete Custom Effect at the top-right of the page.
  5. Click Delete Custom Effect on the confirmation pop-up that appears.