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Managing cart item catalogs

Cart item catalogs contain a number of cart items with unique SKUs. They allow you to synchronize your entire inventory with Talon.One and can be updated as needed.

Feature access

Only admins have full access to this feature. Application admins can only view cart item catalogs connected to Applications of which they are an admin.

You can update their content only programmatically.

Adding cart item attributes to a catalog allows you to filter the items in it by SKU, color or product category. You can also, for example, remove specific items from the catalog.

  • Cart item attributes in cart item catalogs are loaded from the database for rule evaluation if they are not present in the customer session. This increases performance.
  • The values of the catalog's cart item attributes are available as picklist values in all the Applications connected to the catalog.
  • Talon.One automatically generates cart item attribute suggestions for any attribute that is synched to the catalog and built-in attribute SKU.
  • You can use only one cart item catalog per Application, but you can connect a catalog to several Applications.
  • You can connect a maximum of 100 attributes to a single catalog.
  • You cannot delete catalogs.

Creating a cart item catalog

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Cart Item Catalogs.
  3. Click Create Catalog at the top right of the page.
  4. In Catalog name, type a name for your catalog.
  5. In Description, type a description of what the catalog represents.
  6. (Optional) In Connected Applications, select the Applications you want to connect the catalog to.

If you have created other cart item catalogs in your account, you can see which Applications are connected to them. You cannot connect your catalog to those Applications.


After you connect the catalog to an Application, you cannot disconnect it because it affects the Application's cart item filters.

  1. Click Create Catalog.

Displaying cart item catalogs

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Cart Item Catalogs.

This page displays the available custom cart item catalogs. It contains the following information for each of them:

IDUnique number identifying the cart item catalog. It can be used for integration purposes.
Catalog nameName of the cart item catalog.
ApplicationsNumber of Applications the cart item catalog is connected to.

Displaying the details and content of a catalog

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.
  2. Click Tools > Cart Item Catalogs.
  3. Click the name of the cart item catalog whose details and content you want to display.

This page displays the following information about the catalog:

  • Catalog name

  • Catalog ID

  • Last update: Date and time when the cart item catalog was last edited or synchronized.

  • Catalog description

  • Connected Applications: The Applications the cart item catalog is connected to and their type. Click the name of an Application to access it.


    Click Connect more to edit the catalog.

  • A list of cart items contained in the catalog. It displays the following information about each of the items:

    Product SKUSKU of the cart item. It must be unique for the same catalog.
    PricePrice of the cart item.

    Any other cart item attributes that you have connected to this catalog, such as brand, weight, color or product category, will also appear in this table as separate columns.


    Use the search bar at the top of the list to search for specific cart items by their SKU.


    The values of the cart item SKUs are available in the Rule Builder as picklist values in all the Applications connected to the catalog.

Editing a cart item catalog

You can modify some characteristics of a cart item catalog after it has been created. For example, you can make it available in new Applications.

  1. On the leftmost menu, click Account.

  2. Click Tools > Cart Item Catalogs.

  3. Click the name of the cart item catalog you want to edit.

  4. Click Settings at the top right of the page or below the Connected Applications field.

  5. Edit the required details.


    After you connect the catalog to an Application, you cannot disconnect it because it affects the Application's cart item filters.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Synchronizing a cart item catalog

You can programmatically synchronize a cart item catalog with your ERP. To add or remove items from the catalog, or to edit their attributes, use the Sync cart item catalog endpoint.

Using a cart item catalog

When your catalog contains items, you can do the following:

  1. Create strikethrough rules to display the desired information on given items according to the cart item filters.
  2. Create strikethrough pricing notifications to receive the updated pricing.