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Managing users

Each member of your organization can have their own user profile from which they can use the Campaign Manager.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.

You can manage users, assign them roles to determine what they have access to, and add them to campaign access groups.

Inviting a user


Before you invite users, we recommend creating roles that you can assign to them from the start.

In the Campaign Manager, you create a new user by inviting them. To invite a user:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.

  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.

  3. On the right side of the Users section, click Invite User. An invitation form appears.

  4. In Email, enter the email address of the user you are inviting.

  5. In Name, enter the user's name.


    Users can change their name after accepting the invitation.

  6. Choose whether the user should have Admin access, or click Other to assign them a role. See Managing roles for more information.


    If you have not created roles yet, you can invite a user without assigning them one. However, the user has no permissions or access to any Application until they are assigned a role.

  7. Click Invite User.

The invited user receives an email with an invitation link from Talon.One to complete the creation of their user profile.


The invitation link expires 24 hours after the email is sent. If the link is expired but the user hasn't created their user profile yet, in the Users section, click next to the name of the invited user, then click Resend Invitation to send a new email.


If you have single sign-on enabled for your organization, you can also invite users programmatically using the Invite user from identity provider endpoint.

Displaying users

In Account > Organization > Users and Roles, the Users section displays the users in your account.

It contains the following information for each user:

NameName of the user.
EmailEmail address of the user.
StatusStatus of the user. Indicates whether the user is Active, Deactivated, or Invited.
RolesRoles assigned to the user.
Campaign access groupsCampaign access groups the user is added to.
CreatedDate and time when the user profile was created.
UpdatedDate and time when the user profile was last updated.
Last sign-inDate and time when the user last signed in to Talon.One.
Last activityDate and time of the user's last activity after signing in to Talon.One.
ActionsClickable icon that allows you to assign roles to the user, add the user to campaign access groups, disable the user profile, and delete the user profile.

Click next to the name of a user to see role and campaign access group details.

Editing a user profile

In Profile > Profile, each user can edit the following information about their own user profile:

  • On the Profile Details page, their name.
    • In the Profile information section, their privacy settings.
    • In the Sign-in information section, their password, if Sign-in type is Email.
      • To change the current account password, click Change Password.
      • To recover a lost or forgotten password, click Recover Password.

        We recommend using a password that is complex and unique to your Talon.One sign-in.

  • On the Email Notifications page, the Applications for which they want to receive email notifications.

Disabling a user

You can disable a user to remove their access to all Applications in your deployment. To do so:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In Users, to the right of the user you want to disable, click > Disable User.

The user becomes Deactivated immediately and cannot sign in to the Campaign Manager anymore.


Deleting a user

You can delete a user to remove all their access to your deployment, or to reduce the number of profiles when you reach your plan's limit.

When you delete a user, any Management API keys created by that user can no longer be used. Everything else they have created, such as campaigns or attributes, remains unaffected.


This action cannot be undone. If you only want to remove a user's access, consider disabling the user instead.

To delete a user:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In Users, to the right of the user you want to disable, click > Delete User.

The user is immediately deleted and cannot sign in to the Campaign Manager anymore.


You can also delete users programmatically using the Delete user and Delete user by email address endpoints.