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Managing roles

A role is one or more permission sets that you can assign to any Talon.One user and determine what this user has access to.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.

You can create as many roles as needed. For example, you create roles to ensure only certain users can edit campaigns in a specific Application or view loyalty programs.

For example, you can create a role from a template called Customer Support that only gives access to coupons and loyalty points in loyalty programs connected to specific Applications.

More role examples
  • Growth Manager: Manager with full access to all Applications and their settings.
  • Campaign Contributor: Contributor who can create
    campaigns and edit
  • UK Marketing Admin: Admin with full access to country-market Applications and the related tools.
  • Seasonal Campaign Manager: Manager with full access to campaigns and loyalty programs in one Application.

If you need help configuring the right roles for your business, contact your customer success manager.

Admin role

The admin role is a default role that gives full access to all Applications in your Talon.One account. With this role, you can access all account features, create and manage Applications, invite users, and more.

To manage the list of admin users or assign the admin role to a user:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In the Roles section, on the Admin role, click > Edit Users.
  4. In Users, select which users the admin role is assigned to, and save your changes.

You can also assign the admin role to a user when you invite them, and at any point from the Users section.

Creating a role

Admins can create roles and assign them to users at any time, including when inviting new users.

Which roles are right for your organization?

Each role can give access to different areas of the Campaign Manager depending on the creation mode and selections you make.

See the following comparison table of possible access levels for the admin role, custom role, and roles created from a template to find the right roles for your organization.

Access levelAdminApplication adminManagerContributorCustomer supportCustom role
Account settings (Organization)YesNoNoNoNoNo
Manage toolsYesYes*NoNoNoNo
Edit profileYesYesYesYesNoYes
Application settingsYesYes*Yes**NoNoYes**
View campaignsYesYes*Yes*Yes**Yes**Yes**
Create and edit campaignsYesYes*Yes**NoNoYes**
Activate campaignsYesYes*Yes**NoNoYes**
Create draft campaignsYesYes*Yes*Yes**NoYes**
Edit inactive campaignsYesYes*Yes*Yes**NoYes**
Customers and sessionsYesYes*Yes**NoNoYes**
Create and edit couponsYesYes*Yes**NoYes**Yes**
Create and edit referralsYesYes*Yes**NoYes**Yes**
Loyalty programsYesNoYes*Yes*Yes*Yes**
Add and deduct loyalty pointsYesYes*Yes*NoYes*Yes**

*Depends on the Applications selected for the role.
**Depends on the Applications and permissions selected for the role.

Creating a custom role


To create a custom role, set permissions for at least one Application or one loyalty program.

To create a role from scratch:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.

  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.

  3. On the right side of the Roles section, click Create Role. The custom role is selected by default.

  4. In Role name, type a name for the role.

  5. In Role description, type a description to help users understand the purpose of the role.

  6. In Application permissions, click and select one or more Applications for which you want to set permissions.

  7. Select the permission for each Application entity in the list:

    • Edit / Create and edit: Can edit the entity and create new entities where possible.
    • View: Can only view the entity.
    • No access: Cannot access the entity.
    • To create a different set of permissions for another Application, click Add Permission Set.
    • You cannot create two roles with the same combination of permissions and Applications.
  8. In Loyalty program permissions, select one or more loyalty programs and set the permission for each program:

    • Manage: Can fully manage the loyalty program.
    • Support: Can add and deduct loyalty points.
    • View: Can only view the loyalty program.
  9. (Optional) In the Users section, select one or more users you want to assign this role to.


    You can assign a role to users when you edit the role, when you invite new users, or at any point directly from the Users section.

  10. Click Create Role.

Creating a role from a template

To create a role from a template:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.

  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.

  3. On the right side of the Roles section, click Create Role and select one of the available templates:

    • Application Admin: Has full Application access.
    • Manager: Has full access to campaigns and loyalty programs.
    • Contributor: Has limited access to campaigns and loyalty programs.
    • Customer Support: Has access to coupons and loyalty points.
  4. Modify the name and description of the role as needed.

  5. In Application permissions, click and select one or more Applications for which you want to set permissions.

  6. (Optional) Deselect permissions from the list to further customize the permission set.

    • To add a different set of permissions for another Application, click Add Permission Set.
    • You cannot deselect permissions in the Application Admin template.
    • When you deselect a permission in the Manager template, it becomes a view-only permission. Some Manager permissions are connected and cannot be deselected separately.
    • If you switch to another template after customizing the permissions, the list of preselected permissions is reset.
    • You cannot create two roles with the same combination of permissions and Applications.
    • The role gives permissions by default to all loyalty programs connected to the Applications selected in the previous step. If you select one or more loyalty programs while editing the role, the role gives access only to those programs.
  7. (Optional) In the Users section, select one or more users you want to assign this role to.


    You can assign a role to users when you edit the role, when you invite new users, or at any point directly from the Users section.

  8. Click Create Role.

Conflicting permissions

When a user has multiple roles with different permissions for the same Application, the final permissions are a combination of the permissions with the highest access level.

For example, let's take a user who is assigned the following roles:

  • Role 1: Campaign Contributor for the My E-shop Application.
  • Role 2: Coupon Manager for the My E-shop Application.

Here is a breakdown of the permissions for the My E-shop Application for each role, and what the user's final permissions for this Application are:

EntityRole 1 permissionsRole 2 permissionsFinal permissions
Rule BuilderViewViewView
CouponsViewCreate and editCreate and edit
Campaign settingsViewViewView
Draft campaignsCreate and editViewCreate and edit
Campaign EvaluationViewViewView
Customers and SessionsViewEditEdit
SettingsNo accessViewView

Displaying roles

In Account > Organization > Users and Roles, the Roles section displays the roles in your account.

Each role card displays the following information:

  • Role name
  • Role description
  • Number of users the role is assigned to
  • Number of Applications connected to the role

Assigning a role

You can assign a role to one or more users at any time. You can do this when creating or editing a role, when inviting a new user, or directly from the Users section.

To assign a role from the Users section:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.

  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.

  3. In Users, to the right of the user you want to assign the role to, click > Assign Role.

  4. In the menu that appears, select the role you want to assign. You can select more than one role.


    Admins have full account access and cannot have other roles. Assigning another role to an admin user revokes their admin permissions.

Editing a role

You can update a role's name and description, add or remove Applications, update its permissions, and change the list of users the role is assigned to at any time. The effect is immediate.

To edit a role:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In the Roles section, on the role you want to edit, click > Edit Role.
  4. After you are done editing the role, click Save.

Deleting a role


You can delete a role at any time. This action cannot be undone. When a user is assigned only one role, and you delete that role, the user loses access to all Applications.

To delete a role:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In the Roles section, on the role you want to delete, click > Delete Role.
  4. In the pop-up that appears, click Delete Role.