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Managing campaign access groups

You can organize your campaigns into groups based on the type of campaign or the team in charge.

Feature access
Only admins have access to this feature.

Campaign access groups allow you to restrict user access to certain campaigns. This is useful to increase security and prevent unwanted changes in strategic campaigns.


Imagine you have one Application for the European market, and two teams: One for France, another one for Germany. You can add members of each team to their specific campaign access group and prevent them from modifying, or even seeing, the other team's campaigns.

Creating a campaign access group

To create a campaign access group:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. On the right side of the Campaign Access Groups section, click Create Campaign Access Group.
  4. In Group name, type a name for the group.
  5. In Group description, type a description to help users understand the purpose of the group.
  6. In Campaigns, click Add Application and select an Application from the list.
  7. After adding an Application, select the campaigns in that Application you want this group to give access to.
  • You can add as many Applications and campaigns as you need.
  • You cannot create two groups with the same combination of campaigns and Applications.
  1. In the Users section, select one or more users you want to add to this group.
  2. From the dropdown to the right of their name, select a permission for each user:
    • View: View all campaigns in the group.
    • Create and edit campaigns: Create and edit all campaigns in the group.
    • Create and edit coupons: Create and edit coupons for all campaigns in the group.
    • Draft campaigns: Create and edit
      campaigns in the group.
  3. Click Create Group.

Displaying campaign access groups

In Account > Organization > Users and Roles, the Campaign Access Groups section displays the campaign access groups in your account.

Each group card displays the following information:

  • Group name
  • Group description
  • Number of users added to the group
  • Number of Applications connected to the group

Adding users to a campaign access group

You can choose which users can access campaigns in a given campaign access group and what permissions they have.


Admins have full account access and are not part of campaign access groups. Adding an admin user to a campaign access group revokes their admin permissions.

You can add users to a campaign access group at any time. You can do this when creating or editing a group, or directly from the Users section.

To add a user to a campaign access group from the Users section:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In Users, to the right of the user you want to add to a group, click > Add to Group.
  4. In the menu that appears, select the group you want to add the user to.

Adding campaigns to a campaign access group

In Account > Organization > Users and Roles, you can add campaigns to a campaign access group when you create a group or edit it at any point.

You can also add campaigns directly when you are creating them from scratch or after they are created.

Editing a campaign access group

You can update a group's name and description, add or remove Applications and campaigns, and change the list of added users and permissions at any time. The effect is immediate.

To edit a campaign access group:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In the Campaign Access Groups section, on the group you want to edit, click > Edit Group.
  4. After you are done editing the group, click Save.

Deleting a campaign access group


You can delete a campaign access group at any time. This action cannot be undone. Users who were added to the group you are deleting lose access to all Applications selected in the group.

To delete a campaign access group:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the Campaign Manager, click Account.
  2. Click Organization > Users and Roles.
  3. In the Campaign Access Groups section, on the group you want to delete, click > Delete Group.
  4. In the pop-up that appears, click Delete Group.