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Monitoring the integration status

When you are building a new integration or making changes to an existing one, you may want to monitor the requests sent via the Integration API.

Monitoring Application health

Application health is measured by the recency of API requests, and the percentage of requests that failed (returned a 4xx status code, for example, 400 or 404).

To display the Health section, open your Application, and select Settings > Integration API Keys.

The health status can be one of the following:

  • NONE: During the last five minutes, the Application hasn't recorded any Integration API requests.
  • OK: The Application received only successful API requests in the last five minutes.
  • WARNING: The Application received at least one failed request in the last 50 minutes.
  • ERROR: More than 50% of received requests failed.
  • CRITICAL: All received requests failed.

Monitoring API requests

To see the Integration API requests received by your Application, use the Integration API logs.