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Creating referrals via Braze

In this tutorial, let's set up Braze to automatically generate referrals inside Talon.One and deliver the referral codes to specific customer segments.

To do so, we'll send requests to a Talon.One Braze-specific endpoint that generates referrals.

Talon.One requirements

  • You are an Admin user.
  • You have set up an Application.
  • Your Application contains a running campaign with the Referrals feature enabled.

You can edit the default format of the referral codes in the campaign's Settings > Referral Codes section.

Braze requirements

  • You have created a campaign or canvas in Braze.
  • You have a way to identify a given customer across Talon.One and Braze. In this tutorial, we assume a customer's Talon.One integrationId is always equal to Braze's user_id. You can also create a new property on your Braze customer profiles to store Talon.One's integration ID.

Creating an API key in Talon.One

In the Campaign Manager, create a Braze-specific API key:

  1. In your Talon.One Application, click Settings > Developer settings.

  2. Click Create API Key.

  3. For Do you want to use this API Key with a 3rd party service?, select Yes.

  4. From Platform, select Braze.

  5. Select an expiration date, and click Create API Key.

  6. Copy the key for later use.


    You cannot display the API key after this step. If you lose the value, create a new API key.

We will use the API key in the Braze campaign template.

Creating the referral code

To generate a referral code from Braze, we call the following endpoint:

POST Create referral

See API Docs

To trigger the endpoint, we must use Braze's Connected Content feature.


We assume that your customer profile in Braze contains a unique identifier that is equal to the customer integration ID in Talon.One. In this tutorial, we use ${user_id}. Ensure the user ID matches the integration ID in Talon.One.

  1. Open your Braze campaign or canvas for editing.

  2. Add the following Connected Content call to the body of your message, where:

    • YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_URL is the base URL of your Talon.One deployment.
    • YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID is the ID of your campaign in Talon.One.
    • YOUR_API_KEY is the API key you created.
    {% capture postbody %}
    {"deploymentUrl": "YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_URL","campaignId": YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID,"advocateProfileIntegrationId": "{{${user_id}}}"}
    {% endcapture %}

    {% connected_content
    :headers {"Authorization": "ApiKey-v1 YOUR_API_KEY"}
    :method post
    :body {{postbody}}
    :content_type application/json
    :save result

    Your referral code is: {{result.code}}
  3. To test your request:

    1. In the sidebar, click Preview & Test.
    2. In Preview message as user, select Search User and search for an existing user in Braze.
      You should see a referral code.

    A new referral code is only generated once per user ID.

Your referral codes are now generated automatically when your campaign is running.

Customizing the referral call

You can customize the Braze call with the following form.


This form does not cover all the available options for creating referral codes. See the API docs for an exhaustive list.