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Campaign entity

Campaigns are the main entity marketers interact with in Talon.One. Each campaign is defined by at least one rule.


There are the following types of rules:

Promotion rules rely on aggregated data and data from the current request, and they are evaluated when using the Integration API endpoints. A promotion rule has one or more conditions and triggers one or more effects.

For example, a promotion rule might have a condition of a customer has completed an order of over $100 AND the previous order happened more than 90 days ago. An effect can, for example, update profile/session data, set discounts, return customer-facing messages, or send requests to pre-defined external APIs.

Strikethrough rules use cart item catalogs and cart item filters to apply effects to individual cart items. Strikethrough rules are not evaluated in the customer session and are triggered only when specific events happen in cart item catalogs or in campaigns containing strikethrough rules.


A campaign also contains a pool of coupons. Coupons can have arbitrary attributes associated to them. For example, the ID of a particular customer for a personalized coupon code, or a region code for coupons that are only valid in certain areas. These constraints are enforced by the rule, not the coupon.


Coupons are redeemed after the session they are part of is closed. Redeeming a coupon code increments the redemption counter by 1.


Referrals are a separate entity in Talon.One. Like coupons, they act like tickets but they are bound to two customers:

  • The advocate: the person who invited their friend via the referral program. They own the referral code.
  • The friend: the person who receives the invite from an advocate. They use the referral code.

For more information, learn to create a basic referral program.


Referral codes are redeemed after the redeem referral code effect is triggered by a rule when the session is closed. Redeeming a referral code increments the redemption counter by 1.

While campaigns, rules, and coupons are most commonly created manually in the Campaign Manager Application, you can also create and manage them programmatically via the Management API.